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I’m so grateful for all Hoosiers who have already stepped up in the name of winning our battleground race in the 5th District.

The fight isn’t over yet, though.

We still need patriots to come through for the GOP and help us win big for Victoria Spartz!

This is your last chance to get your name on our special donor wall. We’re closing access tonight at midnight, and I wanted to make sure you got the opportunity to give before then.

This list of donors will be specially recognized and remembered as the Hoosiers who made the difference to help us win BIG.


Add your name NOW! >>

Victoria and I appreciate your support. She’s ready to get to work in Washington, and fight for the hardworking men and women in the 5th District. She’s not afraid to stand up to Nancy Pelosi and the other liberal elites, and will always do what’s right for Indiana.

Will you help us send Victoria to D.C.? If we lose this seat, there will be virtually no hope of winning back our House majority. I don’t think America can afford another term with Speaker Pelosi in charge, do you?


Donate $3 for Winning Back the House >>
Donate $6 for Winning Back the House >>
Donate $10 for Winning Back the House >>
Donate $20.20 for Winning Back the House >>
Donate $50 for Winning Back the House >>
Donate $100 for Winning Back the House >>
Donate $250 for Winning Back the House >>

I know that we can win this for Victoria and the GOP. We just need your help to get there.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to be remembered on our donor wall, and to make a real difference in the future of our great state and country.

Thanks for your support,
Kyle Hupfer
Chairman, Indiana Republican Party


Donate for victory for Victoria! >>
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