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Hi, Sister District DC/VA Volunteers! 


If you're a D.C. resident, here's a chance to write a letter that could make a difference. There's a Republican who might actually vote for a D.C. statehood bill next year: Lisa Murkowski. 

Murkowski grew up in Alaska before it got statehood in 1959, so she knows what it's like to live in a disenfranchised territory. But she wants to see for herself that D.C. residents really do want statehood. 

The best way to provide it is to give her handwritten letters from us. Can you commit to writing a letter?

The deadline is August 8th. 

Send us an email at [email protected] 
and we'll give you the address to mail it to, and answer any questions

The letters will be turned over to an organization named D.C. Vote, which will give them to her personally. 

What might you put in a letter? Some ideas:

-- I pay taxes like all other Americans, but I have no Congressperson nor Senators to represent me with a vote in Congress.
-- Since D.C. has a mayor but not a governor, we are unable to resist the imposition of federal troops in D.C. streets.
-- We want the right of self-determination: to be able to pass laws that cannot be overridden by Congressional whim. 

Check out this video by DC Vote explaining why Murkowski is important and persuadable:

In Sister District DC/VA we've spent years helping Democrats flip other states. Now we can help flip our own, too! 

Many thanks, 

Mike Chorost (Founder of the Sister District DC/VA chapter)

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