
President Trump said something ridiculous and blatantly false about our nation’s trade relationship with Japan:

“They send us thousands and thousands — millions of cars, we send them wheat. Wheat. That’s not a good deal. And they don’t even want our wheat. They do it because they want us to at least feel that we’re OK, you know, they do it to make us feel good.”

Here are the facts: Japan is Montana’s number-one wheat market. And they don’t buy American wheat to “make us feel good.”

Farmers like me are in the middle of a harvest right now and rely on productive trade relationships to keep the farms in business. Trump isn’t helping.

As the only working farmer in the Senate, I’m going to do everything in my power to stick up for farmers across the country suffering from Trump’s disastrous trade policies. Will you add your name to stand with me?


People in rural America are already hurting. Doubling down on a trade war with China and mocking our crucial trade relationship with Japan isn’t helping at all.

The price farmers get at the grain elevator doesn’t lie.

That’s why President Trump needs to see with his own eyes what farmers are going through in America right now as a result of his policies.

I’ve invited him to Montana to meet with farmers across the state and see for himself the impact that his words and actions have on real folks.

I hope he comes. Will you add your name right now to show your support for ending Trump’s disastrous trade war?


Thanks for raising your voice,

— Jon