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Common Dreams

News & Views | 7/31/20


Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner speaks during the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, in the Brady Briefing Room at the White House on April 2, 2020, in Washington, DC. (Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

by Jon Queally, staff writer
"Holy hell. Jared Kushner reportedly abandoned a national testing plan because it was *politically advantageous* to sit back and let blue states be eviscerated by the virus."


by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"We stand with the grassroots activists who understand that the party must stand for extending Medicare to everyone."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"In his first month on the job, the postmaster general has already taken steps that could undermine efficient voting by mail in November."

by Eoin Higgins, staff writer
"We denounce this desperate attack on our democracy."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"Tens of millions of Americans on the brink of eviction and food insecurity and the Senate just left for yet another 3-day weekend."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"I'm actually terrified to see election season under the new procedure," said one New York mail carrier.

by Lisa Newcomb, staff writer
The order is the latest in a string of opinions overruling lower court orders to relax state election procedures due to Covid-19

President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference in the James Brady Briefing Room of the White House July 30, 2020 in Washington, D.C.

by Andrea Germanos, staff writer
The contrasting statements about the risk of Covid-19 to children came as the U.S. president continued to push for a full reopening of schools.

by Eoin Higgins, staff writer
"You can't have a contractor supervising government officials."

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by Erica Fein
Coupled with a possible shift to Democratic governance, major public support, and a fired up progressive movement, our moment to win is upon us.

Herman Cain, who died this week from complications related to Covid-19, pictured at President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June. (Credit: Herman Cain)

by Juan Cole
Historic 33% economic crash, 1,500 Covid-19 deaths per day, and tens of millions out of work and on verge of losing their homes.

Donald Trump will not be defeated without the votes of the progressive base, which now skews toward younger people of color and for which issues of social injustice are paramount. (Photo by Leigh Vogel/Getty Images)

by Karen Bernal, Christian T. Shaughnessy
We are calling for a VP candidate with a history of demonstrated fortitude in the face of entrenched power, not someone skilled at just-found-religion rhetoric.

Just as Biden’s chances of winning the presidency would improve if he embraced Medicare for All, his prospects would also be enhanced by adopting popular positions that are especially important to racial minorities. (Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

by Norman Solomon
Polls in swing states show 12% of Sanders supporters do not plan to vote for Biden.

"I’m optimistic. Trump’s policies are not working. The U.S. will have to change, and the change will be for the best." (Photo: CC)

by Reese Erlich
This might be the final stretch for his failed policy of 'maximum pressure.'

The research examined wind power for five countries in Europe and found that offshore wind is going to be so cheap that it will soon no longer need government subsidies to compete, and that significant savings could soon be potentially passed on to consumers. (Photo: arbyreed/Flickr/cc)

by Andy Rowell
What the industry denied for years, that its assets have become liabilities, has become a reality.

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