Dear John,
Last week, the leftist “cancel culture” sweeping the nation came for one of its own: the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.
When Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced they were denouncing Sanger by removing her name from its New York City clinic, they admitted to the fact that she was a racist and eugenicist. They admitted to the organization’s “contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities color.” And they admitted to a culture of “systemic racism” within the organization.
But they failed to admit a very important fact: the organization’s business model continues to target minority and low-income communities to this very day – fulfilling Sanger’s evil vision for the organization. In fact, nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities can be found within walking distance of Black, Hispanic, and/or Latina communities.
Unfortunately, this business model is unlikely to change, and Planned Parenthood will continue killing more than 330,000 preborn children every year – all while receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funding.
It’s not just taxpayer dollars that are funding Black genocide in America. Corporate America is also footing the bill for Planned Parenthood’s racism. Companies such as Bank of America, Ford Motor Company, Microsoft, IBM, Samsung, General Motors, and Kellogg continue to stream funding to America’s largest abortion provider.
Shouldn’t these companies “cancel” donations to an organization that admits to systemic racism?
This week, I had the chance to catch up with Reverend Dean Nelson, the executive director of Human Coalition Action, about these very issues.
Watch the discussion with Rev. Nelson:

As Dean and I discussed, the church community is often complicit in defending Planned Parenthood and the services they provide. But it’s time to stop defending them.
It’s time to hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their racist business model. It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable for allowing taxpayers dollars to fund the killing of America’s children. It’s time to hold corporate America accountable for handing out money to an organization that is systematically killing minorities.
Will you help us hold these organizations and elected officials accountable?
Thank you for your dedication to protecting God’s children.
For Life,
Brian Fisher,