Too many Americans are experiencing financial hardship right now, so if you cannot afford to give today -- that's okay. I'm grateful knowing you opened this email and are a part of our team. Thank you for your support. 
Dear John,
We're coming up on our end of month fundraising deadline and could use your help. I've been working for you in Washington, fighting against Republican attempts to cut Social Security and pushing to provide more relief for working Americans who are struggling during these difficult times. 
Can you donate $5, $10, or $25 today to help me reach our July fundraising goal?
This is a critical deadline as Election Day is less than 100 days away! 
If you can, please donate $5, $10, or $25 today to help us win in November across Connecticut and throughout the country.
My sincerest thanks,
Paid for by Larson for Congress, Barry Feldman, Treasurer

Larson for Congress
PO Box 261172
Hartford CT 06126 United States