What's New at CPUSA.ORG

Pass the HEROES Act!

Dear John,

Join a Town Hall on the unemployment crisis on Sunday, August 16. With the November election just around the corner, millions are wondering: what’s it going to take to make life liveable again? The forum will address this and many other questions. Click here to register.

The November 3 election is less than 100 days away. What are the issues that will drive voters to the polls (or mail box)? Each week, we'll feature a People's World article about an issue people are thinking and talking about. Please share "
GOP Maneuvers to Block HEROES Act" widely with coworkers, friends, and family. Start a discussion!

Take Action! Contact your senators today and demand that they pass the HEROES Act.

This Week @CPUSA: A conversation about John Lewis's funeral, Trump's attempt to postpone the election, and the HEROES Act.

Arizona Communists are providing mutual aid to the Navajo Nation's food distribution program.

In this People's World interview, CPUSA co-chair Rossana Cambron talks about the impact of COVID-19 in the Latino community, the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Indigenous rights in Oklahoma, and hope for the future.

Pandemic Lesson #1: Incompetence Kills
discusses the lessons we need to learn to get out of this crisis.

Try Socialism talks about what a socialist U.S. could look like.

Read a young comrade's take on the policing issue in For an Alternative to Policing!

Five facts about the CPUSA you may not know.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

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