Unprecedented times call for unprecedented unity.  
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A previous version of this email listed an incorrect date for the CHOOSE STUDENTS, NOT BILLIONAIRES action. 

The press conference and car caravan will be held on MONDAY, AUGUST 3 at 10 AM.  RSVP here.
These unprecedented times call for unprecedented unity.  
Today, we launch a powerful #ChooseUsNotBillionaires Week of Action to demand that Governor Newsom and California elected officials ensure a just economic recovery that reverses historical inequities and invests in a future that benefits all Californians. They just have until August 31st to make critical decisions regarding California’s response to harm of the pandemic. 
Over the last several months, many of our organizations – community groups, unions, policy groups and philanthropy – have been meeting to strategize about how to unite and go on offense against the narrative of austerity so that we can advance transformative solutions that center Black and Brown people and allow our communities to thrive.  
We are asking fellow economic, racial and social justice organizations/leaders to raise your voices with us over the next week, starting TODAY – Friday, July 31st. We’ve designed the week and the activities so that there’s something that everyone can do.

Can you do one or all of the following?

Whatever you can do, it will add up and make a difference. 
In Solidarity,

Roxana Tynan
LAANE Executive Director
LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy for all. Combining dynamic research, innovative public policy and the organizing of broad alliances, LAANE promotes a new economic approach based on good jobs, thriving communities, and a healthy environment.
Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

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