Dear John,
"To have veto-proof majorities would change the dynamic of everything going on the state and really allow the leaders in both houses to drive the train." |
If that quote from Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald scared you like it scared me when I read it in the Wisconsin State Journal, you’re not alone.
Conservation voters around the state are raising the alarm about the November elections. You and I know that this election is one the most important we’ve ever had in Wisconsin – because when redistricting comes up in the next legislative session, Gov. Evers’ veto is the only thing standing in the way of another decade of rigged, partisan maps.
Will you help us fight back against Vos and Fitzgerald’s attack on Gov. Evers’ veto power with a gift to Wisconsin Conservation Voters PAC by our end of the month deadline Friday night?
The road to November is going to be tough.
Speaker Vos and Sen. Fitzgerald are all in – they’ve each chosen three vulnerable districts and are committing unprecedented millions to fill those seats with anti-conservation legislators.
Add the Presidential race on top of that, and you can expect a flood of big polluter money aimed at chipping away at Gov. Evers’ veto – leaving Wisconsin with dirtier air, more unsafe drinking water, rigged electoral maps, and a weakened democracy.
Conservation voters can help preserve Gov. Evers’ veto – and our work starts now. Your gift to Wisconsin Conservation Voters PAC by 11:59 p.m. Friday will help us win for your communities, natural resources – and democracy – in November.
Thank you so much for taking a stand for Wisconsin.

Seth Hoffmeister
Organizing and Political Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters PAC
P.S. Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald are ready to throw everything they have into the November elections to win a veto-proof majority – and ensure they won’t need to work with Gov. Evers to redraw our political maps for the next decade. Your gift to Wisconsin Conservation Voters PAC by our end of the month deadline Friday at midnight helps us fight back against Vos and Fitzgerald and elect leaders who will stand up for your communities and natural resources.