Dear CV Friend,
Many public schools are refusing to open back up.
...because open or closed, they get paid, and their schools
But Catholic schools are facing an existential threat. If
Catholic schools don't open up this fall, many could close for
CV's Senior Political Advisor and former congressman Tim
Huelskamp, sounded the alarm this week in the Washington
"Catholic schools in America comprise the largest parochial
school system in the world. They have been in existence even
before our nation's founding. They have built an unparalleled
legacy of academic excellence, promoted racial and ethnic
integration, and made the American dream possible for so many
whose opportunities were otherwise limited. These cherished
institutions are facing extinction very soon....
"If they are prohibited from resuming in-person classes in the
fall, many Catholic schools may never reopen again. So many can
barely make it now. In addition to losing support from Sunday
parish collections, which have slowed to a trickle thanks to the
coronavirus pandemic, these schools would lose another critical
source of revenue: tuition."
Tim's right. Throughout our nation's history, Catholic schools
have provided a counterweight to the government-run school
system. Catholic schools have done heroic work in educating
children of every race and income -- often at less than half the
cost. Most importantly, our Catholic schools have taught the
Faith (well, most of them anyway).
According to the Alliance for Catholic Education, more than 130
Catholic schools across 23 states have already closed their doors
due to the pandemic. The organization predicts the number will
only rise as more parents decide they can no longer afford
We cannot allow Catholic schools to collapse on our watch.
President Trump has promised help. Now we need Congress to step
up to the plate and ensure Catholic families are able to afford
tuition this year.
The U.S. Bishops are supporting the School Choice Act, which
would provide emergency funding in the covid relief bill to
organizations giving scholarships to Catholic school students.
Their plan has the backing of the Trump administration already.
The only thing standing in the way are congressional Democrats.
President Trump has been even bolder. "If schools do not reopen,
the funding should go to parents to send their child to public,
private, charter, religious, or home school of their choice,"
Trump said last week.
I encourage all of you to read Tim's entire article, and to share
it with your friends and family:
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P.S. I'm very proud to have Congressman Tim Huelskamp on board
the CatholicVote team as a Senior Advisor. He's been instrumental
in helping CV develop the largest Catholic voter outreach program
in history. As a proud Catholic father of four adopted children,
Tim understands exactly what's at stake this year.
Your continued support of CatholicVote makes all of this
P.P.S. You can read this message on our website as well:
[link removed]
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