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Fund Connection

A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
July 31, 2020
COVID-19: A Chance to Reform U.S. Health Care?

“We may now have the opportunity to reform a flawed health care system that made the novel coronavirus far more damaging in the United States than it had to be,” say the Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal, M.D., Elizabeth Fowler, Melinda Abrams, and Sara Collins in their recent essay for the New England Journal of Medicine.

The authors detail the interconnected health care crises that COVID-19 has compounded and suggest reforms for improving how we handle future epidemics and meet the health care needs of all Americans. 

Three Different Scenarios for How Pandemic Will Change Health System

The coronavirus pandemic is certain to transform our health care system. But in what ways? In Harvard Business Review, the Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal, M.D., Eric Schneider, M.D., Shanoor Seervai, and Arnav Shah pose three scenarios for how the pandemic will shape health care, from dream case to catastrophe, each shaped by the public’s compliance with safety measures and the availability of a vaccine and effective treatments.

Addressing Mental Health Concerns During COVID-19: State Policies

As many Americans struggle with mental health issues during the crisis, what role do states have in ensuring that treatment needs are met? On To the Point, K. Bryant Smalley and Jacob Warren from the Mercer University School of Medicine examine a number of state strategies for addressing mental health concerns, such as expanding access to telemental health services, creating mental health hotlines, and removing barriers to mental health services.

Other Recent Publications
Using Medicaid Managed Care to Bolster Primary Care: State Approaches

How can states improve primary health care, especially for people enrolled in Medicaid? George Washington University’s Sara Rosenbaum and colleagues examine the ways that state Medicaid managed care contracts approach primary health care, including benefits and coverage rules, social determinants of health, patient supports like community health workers, performance measurement and quality improvement, and more. Their complete findings are compiled in the Commonwealth Fund’s new Medicaid Managed Care Contract Analysis Database.

NEJM Series: Curing U.S. Health Care

As part of a New England Journal of Medicine “Perspective” series, the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, M.D., examines the U.S. health system’s flaws — from insufficient access to care to gaps in quality and pervasive disparities — and discusses the policy context for those deficiencies. As Schneider and coauthors note in an accompanying editorial, the “U.S. health care system did not arise randomly, but through a series of deliberate policy choices, many of which have come with unintended consequences.”

What the NHS Learned from an Earlier Foray into Virtual Care

Is the sudden expansion of virtual primary care in the U.S. all upside? On JAMA Health Forum, Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow Holly Krelle and coauthors examine the U.K. National Health Service’s experience with Babylon Health, a health care start-up that flooded Facebook, bus stops, and the subway with advertisements beginning in 2017, promising free, 24/7, “virtual first” primary care. Evidence from an independent evaluation on who used the telemedicine service, and for what, provides lessons for the U.S.

Commonwealth Fund at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting

The 2020 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, which began last week and will resume August 4–6 online, brings together health services researchers, providers, and key decisionmakers. Visit our website to review presentations and posters by Commonwealth Fund staff and grantees. 

Northwell Health Adopts Hospital-at-Home  
Last week, the New York Times reported that Northwell Health, which has cared for thousands of coronavirus patients in New York State, has adapted the hospital-at-home model to care for acutely ill COVID-19 patients in their own homes. Read about similar approaches taken by Mount Sinai and other health systems in the most recent issue of Transforming Care.
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