Get This Done

Tuesday, August 4 is Election Day!!!

Volunteers are making phone calls, texting Missourians, sending out postcards, delivering flyers to homes, posting on social media, even talking to their doctors and barbers and teachers.

It's our time to show folks we are ready to take back Missouri. Today, our radio ads started playing. We also made short videos to go with them. I'll be posting them on social media very soon, but I wanted you to see them first.

Now's the time. We have contacted hundreds of thousands of Missourians already. We're contacting swing voters and getting amazing responses.

If we can raise close to $3,000 before Monday, we'll be doing even more outreach, and it will go well beyond the primary election. This effort will help local candidates running on our anti-corruption platform too.

100 people.
Take back Missouri.

Most importantly, I need you to tell your friends. Go into your phones, your email accounts, your social media pages. Ask your friends to request a Democratic ballot and vote for Elad Gross on August 4. Your ask will mean such a big difference. If you need some help, try this:

"I'm voting for Elad Gross on August 4 for Attorney General. I'm really excited [insert why you're voting!]. He's running on the Democratic ballot, and he needs our help to win. Can he have your vote?"

We have built something truly special.

They said we couldn't. They said our voices didn't matter. They said we couldn't fix the brokenness in our government, that our historic engagement meant nothing, that I looked too young, that my car looked too old, that I shouldn't have given my cell phone number to Missouri, that I shouldn't have spent so much time in Poplar Bluff and Jennings and Joplin.

Give those excuses an August 4 expiration date.

This could be incredibly close, and we need every vote. Show them who we are. Get your friends. It's time to win this thing.

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Dark Money Alert: St. Louis

A dark money organization called the Joseph Wingate Folk Society is currently spending money in St. Louis, particularly in the race for Treasurer and Circuit Attorney. I exposed this group last year, but our Attorney General refuses to do anything about it. For the third time now, I have asked him to do his job and stop this hidden group from buying our elections.

I'll keep fighting for you. And as Attorney General, I will put an end to dark money in Missouri.

If there's anything you need, let me know. Reply to this email or send me a new email at

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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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PO Box 21666
Saint Louis, MO 63109-0666

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