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The Unz Review Digest - July 31, 2020

The chaos and disorder sweeping across many of our cities dominated this week’s most popular featured articles, capturing the three top spots.

Ranking first was former CIA Officer Philip Giraldi’s pessimistic appraisal of our national situation partly based upon the first-hand signs he has seen in his own Virginia portions of Greater DC area, with more and more affluent local suburbanites beginning to prepare for the worst, or as he puts it “There are a lot of indications that the American stratocruiser is about to crash.”  These worrisome sentiments quickly attracted nearly 400 comments totaling almost 50,000 words.

Placing second was Mike Whitney’s focus on the consequences of what he regards as the Covid-19 hysteria, providing enormous cover for Wall Street firms and their allies to enact a massive financial bailout, effectively looting the US treasury  while attention was focused elsewhere, while the real economy has been wrecked and the country is spinning out of control.  Meanwhile, his more recent piece, holding sixth place but rising rapidly, critiques the Democrats for allowing the urban disorders to continue unabated and letting our cities burn.

Our third most popular piece was Kevin Barrett’s suggestion that much of our current situation can be understood as similar to the madness of China’s Cultural Revolution, as effectively interpreted in a novel by a Mo Yan, a Chinese Nobel Prize winner, or Doris Lessing.

Fourth place was held by a lengthy presentation of the second installment of a startling hypothesis that much of the established European chronology of the last two thousand years is entirely fake, with Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire never having existed, and the Athenian Parthenon being built by Frankish Crusaders of the thirteenth century A.D.  These extremely controversial ideas quickly attracted almost 400 mostly-critical comments totaling nearly 60,000 words.

And rounding out our most popular featured articles was Andrew Joyce’s very lengthy analysis, suggesting that the organized Jewish community and many of its key leaders have been the central actors behind the suppression of freedom of speech in Europe and the West in general.

While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it's largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week. Sweden has been harshly criticized in the media for not imposing draconian lockdowns like the United States and the other European countries.... Read More
The last few weeks have seen the greatest wave of American urban unrest in two generations. Massive protests, riots, and looting have swept across dozens of our major cities, accompanied by an enormous amount of political vandalism, often targeting monuments to our country's former presidents and other historical figures. Most importantly, powerful elements of our... Read More
The American people are under attack, the country is under attack, and democracy is under attack. At present, the enemy is conducting a three-pronged assault on the presidency the objective of which is to remove the existing administration and install their own sock-puppet replacement. This has been the goal from the very beginning although the... Read More
The Left characterizes the United States and other white countries around the world as systems of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” White Nationalists claim that the United States and most other white countries are committed to “white genocide”: the “great replacement” of whites by nonwhites, which is the predictable consequence of political decisions to promote... Read More
Early yesterday morning I received a worried note from one of our regular columnists saying our website no longer came up in any Google search results. Google and Facebook are the top gatekeepers to the global Internet, and in early May they had both purged us, with Facebook blocking our content and Google de-ranking all... Read More
I was in high school the first time I used heroin. I had started with marijuana in the tenth grade, which, like it or not, is a gateway drug. Marijuana gave way to psilocybin mushrooms, and then to alcohol, and the deluge poured forth. Oxycodone, LSD, MDMA, DMT, Ketamine, and then opium and cocaine. It... Read More
First they came for the toilet paper and kitchen towels, then they came for flour and now they are taking your coins. Yes, the American public sitting out the COVID-19 virus is now having to deal with what is referred as a "small change shortage." caused apparently by hoarding. Coffee shops and other retail outlets... Read More
The United States government funded and performed countless psychological experiments on unwitting humans, especially during the Cold War era, perhaps partially to help develop more effective torture and interrogation techniques for the US military and the CIA, but the almost unbelievable extent, range and duration of these activities far surpassed possible interrogation applications and appear... Read More
Be a Miracle if it Don't
Black militia at Stone Mountain. Cocky, heavily armed, outgunning the police. White militias have similar firepower. A fight is entirely possible. In downtown America. Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.... Read More
Intro: not a pretty picture Let's begin with a disclaimer: in this article, I will assume that there will be a US Presidential election in the Fall. Right now, it appears to be likely that this election will take place (there appear to be no legal way to cancel or delay it), but this is... Read More
The 1967 film The Graduate was a landmark in Jewish cultural subversion (see also Edmund Connelly’s treatment). By the time of the film’s release, Jewish film-makers in Hollywood were becoming more explicit in their antipathy for White Americans and their culture, and this was increasingly reflected in their output. In 1963, the Jewish producer Larry... Read More
Feelings don’t care about facts. The mass hysteria that’s gripped the Western world after the death of George Floyd can’t be explained in rational terms. Police are shooting fewer unarmed black men each year, and most of the shootings are justified. Police are more likely to shoot a non-threatening white than a non-threatening black. In... Read More
The alleged gunmen who killed the son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to the Epstein-Deutsche Bank case, worked for a company of corporate spies and mercenaries with ties to intelligence and also to Deutsche Bank. The news of the shooting of the husband and son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to... Read More
New think tank needs an Israel reality check
The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft think tank launched last November. It has recently issued a roughly 15,000 word manifesto entitled “Ending America’s Misguided Policy of Middle East Domination.” For those who would find ten thousand words plus intimidating, the paper includes a more digestible 1,221 word executive summary which fairly accurately summarizes the document’s... Read More
There is something unique about how the United States manipulates the “terrorism” label to avoid being accused of carrying out war crimes. When an indigenous militia or an armed insurgency like the Taliban in a country like Iraq or Afghanistan attacks American soldiers subsequent to a U.S. invasion which overthrew the country’s government, it is... Read More
In his book Memories, the first Israeli PM and pragmatic early Zionist, David Ben Gurion writes about his early years in Płońsk, Poland. Ben Gurion is very explicit when describing the balance of power between Jews and Poles in his town in the early days of the 20th century. “Far from being afraid of them,... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] Our nation's Constitution is getting something of a stress test up in the Northwest, especially in the city of Portland. Anarchist rioters have been assaulting the federal courthouse there, along with of course some vandalizing and looting of private property on the side. (No,... Read More
Defense attorney and constitutional scholar John Remington Graham maintains that despite being two separate countries with different cultures and legislative interests, North and South had been held together by statesmen effecting compromises. Before differing interests could break them apart, hatred had to be fomented between North and South. He states his position clearly: “The American... Read More
or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Multipolarity
INTRODUCTION As a nationalist in the west, it’s often difficult to find any reasons for optimism. A typical month may involve any combination of social media bans, deplatforming and physical threats from society’s dregs, and there is seemingly little to show for the sacrifice by way of tangible victories. I might be forgiven then, for... Read More
The Gregorian Coup and the Birthright Theft
This is the second of three articles drawing attention to major structural problems in our history of Europe in the first millennium AD. In the first article (“How fake is Roman Antiquity?”), we have argued that the forgery of ancient books during the Renaissance was more widespread than usually acknowledged, so that what we think... Read More

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