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Dear NCRC members and allies,

Scams targeting the elderly are a particularly pernicious form of fraud. In recent years, a growing amount of fraud loss suffered by America’s seniors originates from foreign-based schemes. Investigating and prosecuting these international operations is complex and time consuming.
The U.S. Department of Justice and the United States Postal Inspection Service are dedicating new resources and employing new tools to disrupt and dismantle schemes that defraud seniors. Our upcoming webinar will discuss those efforts, including how law enforcement is tackling the dominant elder fraud schemes and working to prevent schemes from obtaining victim money.

Presenters will also discuss why community awareness of fraud schemes is more important than ever and the agencies’ efforts to increase awareness of scams through outreach and community engagement.

Join us for the webinar on Tuesday, August 4 from 1:00pm to 2:00pm ET. Click here to learn more and register.
Register Now
  • Jackie Blaesi-Freed, Trial Attorney, Consumer Protection Branch, Department of Justice
  • Brendan T. Donahue, Program Manager - Mail Fraud, United States Postal Inspection Service
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