Dear John,
We wanted to update you on the Stop Hate for Profit campaign ADL helped launch just a few short weeks ago. Together with our coalition partners, we have already sent a clear message to Facebook to #StopHateforProfit; you can find the full statement here.
In summary, the success of this campaign is unmistakable. Our coalition drew the support of more than 1,100 companies including major corporations and small businesses; more than 100 nonprofits and countless individuals, and we forced an unprecedented public examination of Facebook’s deep harms to marginalized communities and the health of our democracy.
Although Facebook is still putting hate over profit, the campaign’s efforts have forced Facebook to make a series of concessions to long-standing demands of civil rights organizations.
We’ve compelled Facebook to announce the creation of a senior role to oversee civil rights. They established a dedicated team to study algorithmic racial bias. They publicly released their long-delayed civil rights audit that demonstrated their “vexing” policy decisions were “setbacks for civil rights.” Their new commitment to an independent audit may end up satisfying one of our demands if it is comprehensive as well as independent, transparent, and public.
And they have finally begun taking long-overdue action against some hateful movements like Boogaloo. That said, there is a very long list of issues that still remain unresolved, and we will be sharing a detailed progress report shortly. Our work with Facebook is by no means done.
Stop Hate for Profit also brought other social media platforms to the table. Twitter took strong action against dangerous conspiracy theories that have led to offline violence. Reddit took action by updating its content policies to better address hate and removed over 2,000 hate-filled subreddits. YouTube took overdue action against white supremacists who use their platform. While these steps are not sufficient, they show a commitment toward real progress by these platforms.
If you haven’t yet had a chance to sign the #StopHateforProfit petition, please take a moment to do so now to lend your voice to this important ongoing effort to demand change.
There’s more work to do, and as we share more information in the days and weeks ahead, we hope you’ll stand with us to compel Facebook to action and to finally Stop Hate for Profit.
Sincerely, |
Jonathan Greenblatt |
CEO and National Director |