The Detroit News: Victory! State’s highest court upholds fundamental property rights

“[G]overnment shall not collect more in taxes than are owed, nor shall it take more property than is necessary to serve the public[.]”

With these words, the Michigan Supreme Court confirmed what Uri Rafaeli and his attorneys knew all along: The government violates constitutional property rights when it takes more than it is owed from individuals to collect unpaid taxes.

And, as Christina Martin and David Deerson explain, the decision puts the remaining states that still practice such unlawful home equity theft on notice.

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Governments should uphold separation of powers during COVID-19

The various state and local stay-at-home orders, and the lifting of those orders, have been subject to legal challenges. Many of these lawsuits claim that government action violates the “separation of powers.” Yet there is confusion as to what that means and how it impacts the lives of citizens, especially during a pandemic.

Glenn Roper says that a strict separation of powers is more, not less, important during a time of crisis.

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Daily Journal: A primer on amicus briefs as a tool to protect individual liberty

As a public interest legal organization, Pacific Legal Foundation litigates in multiple ways: Primarily, we initiate, defend, and intervene in lawsuits on behalf of individuals and associations. We file as many as we can.

Additionally, we file amicus curiae or “friend of the court” briefs in appellate cases that other attorneys or organizations are litigating. Deborah La Fetra explains the role these briefs play in PLF’s legal strategy.

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