I wanted to share two news items from other cities you may have missed this week.

Dear John:

I’m about to ask you to chip in before our end-of-month deadline at midnight. But first, I wanted to share two news items you may have missed this week.

Watching the disturbing images from Portland has had a lot of us on edge -- understandably. But in other cities, both in the U.S. and across the globe, there are signs of innovation and hope that aren’t making the top headlines.

In Barcelona, Spain1, the city is requiring landlords to rent vacant units to make more housing available. If they don’t, the city will acquire those properties at half their market value and rent them out as social housing.

Tens of thousands of New Yorkers are experiencing homelessness, and many more face eviction, even as many properties (and hotel rooms) remain empty. But a better world is possible for NYC.

You might say, “oh, that’s Europe, we can’t do that kind of thing here.” But look at Austin, Texas,2 where the City Council voted unanimously to advance a $7.1 billion transit funding initiative during the pandemic. The proposed Project Connect involves long-term investments in infrastructure with a strong equity lens. (Jealous doesn’t begin to describe it!)

The MTA, which continues to fail working-class New Yorkers, is on the brink of disaster, while our state and city leaders endlessly point fingers at each other. But a better world is possible for NYC.

We live in one of the richest cities in the world. Building a better NYC that works for ALL of us isn’t just a matter of resources. It’s a matter of political courage.

Chip in before midnight to help us win next year, so we can bring bold, progressive ideas and political courage to the office of NYC Comptroller →


Thank you so much. Please continue to stay safe, and please wear a mask,

-- Brad



Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]

