Biden launches first general election Ohio ads
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JULY 31, 2020: The Donald Trump campaign is pausing its ad spending to review its campaign messaging. Joe Biden is airing his first general election television ads in Ohio in a seven-figure ad buy.
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Notable Quote of the Day ([link removed])
“Many people have been coming out and saying that not only do we need a win, we need a big win, so there's nothing Trump can say regarding challenging the results of the election.
We have a 50-state campaign whether Joe Biden does or not.”
– Darlene McDonald, Democratic National Committee member from Utah
JOE BIDEN ([link removed]) is airing his first general election television ads in Ohio ([link removed]) in a seven-figure ad buy. The ad, which focuses on Biden’s upbringing in a working-class neighborhood, will run in the Youngstown and Toledo markets until late August.
BIDEN was the keynote speaker ([link removed]) at the Miami-Dade Democratic Party’s Blue Gala on Thursday night. The event was held remotely for all attendees.
The DONALD TRUMP ([link removed]) campaign is pausing ([link removed]) its ad spending to review its campaign messaging under the leadership of new campaign manager Bill Stepien. The campaign spent no money on Wednesday or Thursday and had minimal bookings in August.
TRUMP reiterated ([link removed]) his concerns with the general election, saying at a White House briefing on Thursday, “You’re sending out hundreds of millions of universal mail-in ballots. Hundreds of millions. Where are they going? Who are they being sent to? You don’t have to know anything about politics.”
TRUMP is traveling to Tampa on Friday night for a fundraiser ([link removed]) . He postponed an event scheduled for Saturday at his golf resort in Doral due to Hurricane Isaias.
In an interview with _The Frontier_, HOWIE HAWKINS ([link removed]) discussed his lawsuit against the Oklahoma State Election Board for ballot access ([link removed]) .
JO JORGENSEN ([link removed]) is launching her “Brake the Bus Tour ([link removed]) ” across Pennsylvania this weekend with stops in Pittsburgh, Erie, and other cities.
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FiveThirtyEight: Trump Can’t Postpone The Election, But He Can Delegitimize The Results. ([link removed])
Politico: Biden, Bernie forces clash during convention meeting ([link removed])
Washington Examiner: New voter registrations plummeting, posing threat to Biden ([link removed])
In an interview on ABC’s This Week, Donald Trump discussed ([link removed]) the Russian annexation of Crimea.
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