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Truth of the Matter
As a Poynter supporter, you’re receiving this newsletter each Friday so we can keep you well informed about the lifesaving work we’re doing to fight against misinformation around the world and help journalists deliver news you trust. Poynter is:

Letting you know when to mail in your election ballot to make sure it gets counted


Our PolitiFact team had plenty of misinformation to fact-check for you this week. 

This week began with us hitting the “100 days until the U.S. presidential election” mark. But several social media posts claim that Election Day is really Oct. 20 (and not the official date, Nov. 3) for those who want to vote by mail. It’s suggested that the U.S. Postal Service recommends this two-week period to ensure that you can request, fill out and send back your ballot on time. Is this true? Hint: It kind of depends on where you live.

Also, a video that millions of people saw on social media, including President Trump, shows a group called America’s Frontline Doctors at a press conference calling for the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. PolitiFact fact-checked several of the video’s most misleading and inaccurate claims.

Helping people of all ages combat misinformation

Poynter Perks event with Neil Brown
(Sara O’Brien)

Poynter’s MediaWise project helps teens, first-time voters and seniors sort fact from fiction online. Since many of you are passionate about this program’s mission, I’m excited to share with you some numbers that show its incredible impact.

Since 2018, MediaWise content has been viewed more than 17 million times and has reached nearly 9 million people. 

Here are some of MediaWise’s most popular tips: 

Supporting journalists as they cope with trauma

(Sara O'Brien)

I’m sure you agree that we owe a great deal to the essential workers who help improve our lives every day: doctors, grocery store clerks, and teachers, to name a few. As a supporter of Poynter and champion of journalism, you no doubt also include journalists in this group. And just as doctors are under enormous stress, journalists, too, are experiencing significant trauma in order to provide us with the news and information we need to stay safe. 

A recent Reuters survey asked reporters a range of questions about their work, mental health and concerns. The majority of respondents, around 70%, suffer from some levels of psychological distress.

Poynter’s mission includes helping and training journalists so that they can keep you better informed. Our popular course “Journalism and Trauma” teaches journalists how to take care of their own health after covering a traumatic event. We make it free so all people can get help when they need it.

And take a minute to read this week’s Cohort newsletter from Poynter’s Samantha Ragland to digital women leaders across the world: “It won’t always be easy but the trek will be worth it, the impact will be lasting and we are only as alone as we allow ourselves to be.”

Helping you chill out this summer


Let’s conclude this week on a sweet note. I previously shared with you how the pandemic is increasing the popularity of inflatable backyard kiddie pools. This week is all about ice cream! Check out how sales for this tasty treat are way up and learn which store items are dropping in demand.

Please consider making a contribution toward our mission today so we can continue to keep you informed tomorrow. If you recently made a donation to Poynter ... thank you!

Be well,

Josh Herrington
Development Director
[email protected]

Poynter Foundation Board Members: 

Brian Tierney, CEO, Brian Communications
Ramon Bosquez – Partner, Seedfunders, LLC
Michael Dreyer, President, Tampa Bay Trust Company
Frank “Sandy” Rief III, Attorney, Allen Dell, Attorneys at Law
Liz Sembler, Board Member, Corporation for Public Broadcasting

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies is a global leader in journalism education and a strategy center that stands for uncompromising excellence in journalism, media and 21st-century public discourse.

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