Did You Ever Go to a Concert Hoping to Hear About Abortion?
As if entertainment was not already political enough, Planned Parenthood and nearly 140 A-list entertainers are preparing to wrap concerts around infomercials for abortion.
Planned Parenthood, leaning on its deep Hollywood roots, will spring its abortion agenda on unsuspecting concertgoers between now and January 2020 as part of its latest pro-abortion campaign. Stars like Katy Perry, Idina Menzel, Lady Gaga, Sarah McLachlan and Carole King (see list below for all 136) are planning to highlight to their audiences the perception that pro-life laws are wrong and harmful to women – citing in particular the recent explosion of heartbeat and other pro-life laws across the nation.
Entertainers, who are regrettably very influential in the lives of many, are ultimately planning to encourage their fans to vote for pro-abortion candidates in upcoming elections.
Bloodied and bruised, Planned Parenthood has already had a really, really bad year. Eight states have passed heartbeat bills, and others have passed vital abortion-pill information laws. In addition, Planned Parenthood was outed as more concerned with abortion than women’s health when they booted their CEO, and just this month Planned Parenthood lost $60 million in government funding when it was revoked under President Trump’s Protect Life Rule.
In what could be their next stumble, Planned Parenthood assumes that average concertgoers are interested in hearing about abortion – the killing of human life before its first breath – at an event where tickets cost big bucks.
For concertgoers, this is the ultimate bait-and-switch – paying to hear artists perform, only to be bombarded with political spin. It’s likely enough to ruin an evening out for many.
For entertainers, it’s a risky step as many concertgoers will come to realize that, amid an evening of entertainment, Planned Parenthood has been given permission to temporarily take them as political hostages for purely partisan purposes.
Parents should also be aware that kids of all ages are listening to these entertainers every day, consuming their social media feeds, and fawning over their latest entertainment news stories. Parents need to know if their kids are going to these events and then prepare them for the onslaught. Better yet, make this a teachable moment so that kids know what these entertainers are all about and let them see the moral dilemma of supporting people who celebrate the death of pre-born babies.
Should we be surprised by Hollywood and this latest move? Not at all. Do we have to make a big scene or hold protests? No. The smartest thing we can do is to make sure we are teaching our kids, grandkids and those in our immediate sphere of influence how pervasive this agenda is, how it is seeping into them from many angles, and how to guard against it.
Finally, as parents and grandparents, we need to be bold in telling our children about abortion and its horrific nature. Our job is to be bigger influencers in their lives than any A-list entertainer.
For our kids and for life,
Robert Noland Communications Manager