
Thanks again for all of your support as we’ve pushed to raise critical dollars to support our fall candidates. Perhaps the most important goal this year for Democrats in Virginia is to retake control of the House of Delegates, and our priority has been on Delegate races as we’ve looked to defend seats we won in 2017 and pick up new seats, while maintaining our laser focus on supporting emerging talent across the Commonwealth -- wherever they are.

After months of research and speaking with leaders on the ground and the candidates and campaigns themselves, we’re thrilled to announce our endorsements for Virginia House of Delegates this year:

Delegate Hala Ayala, House of Delegates, District 51
Arguably the most competitive Delegate seat this year is that of Delegate Hala Ayala, a first-term representative we supported in 2017. A single, working mother of two and long-time Democratic and community activist, Hala Ayala took the plunge and ran herself in 2017 for the House of Delegates in a race few expected her to win. We helped her knock off a four-term Republican to become one of the first two Latina women to ever serve in the House. Since then, she's been a leader in the General Assembly on issues of importance to women and families including equal pay, Medicaid expansion and protecting choice. We’re thrilled to again stand with Delegate Ayala as she battles a tough re-election fight.

Delegate Chris Hurst, House of Delegates, District 12
Our next endorsee is Chris Hurst, another first-term Delegate we helped win in 2017. Chris moved to Southwest Virginia a decade ago where he became one of the youngest evening news anchors in the country. After advocating as a journalist for issues such as access to mental health care and equality in education for students with special needs, his life was set on a different path in 2015 when his girlfriend was murdered on live television. He decided to get even more engaged in public service, running for office, and beating a three-term Republican incumbent in 2017. In the legislature, he has passed more bills than any other freshman this past term, focusing on issues including domestic violence and college affordability, and he’s been a leader in building up the Democratic Party in Southwest Virginia. We’re excited to support Delegate Hurst in his first re-election campaign.

Phil Hernandez, House of Delegates, District 100
As we noted above, this year is both about defending our large freshman class, but also about supporting new rising stars, which brings us to our next endorsee, Phil Hernandez. Phil blew us away from the beginning of this process with his command of the issues, knowledge of the district, and unique experience. Born and raised in Hampton Roads and a product of public schools, Phil went on to be the first in his family to graduate from college, where he received a Gates Millennium Scholarship to study at Oxford University. As a Senior Policy Analyst on the Obama White House’s Domestic Policy Council, he fought for clean energy, clean air and water, and helped coordinate the response to the worst oil spill in American history. After graduating from law school, where he took time to represent low-income families facing eviction and also developed legislation aimed at preventing unwarranted homelessness, he has since worked as an attorney with a nonprofit organization advocating for the rights of working people. Phil is now running to serve the people of the Eastern Shore and Norfolk in Virginia’s 100th District, and we’re ecstatic to stand with him in what we’re confident will be just his first run for public office.

Suhas Subramanyam, House of Delegates, District 87
Another new Ascend endorsee is Suhas Subramanyam, a first-generation American who would be the first Indian American to serve in the Virginia House of Delegates. Born to immigrants who taught him the values of hard work and service to one's community, these have become hallmarks of his life. As a student at Tulane University when Katrina hit New Orleans, Suhas organized volunteers to rebuild and revitalize affected communities while pushing local officials to prioritize environmental standards during the rebuild. He volunteered at the Center for Wrongful Convictions while earning his law degree at Northwestern, and after practicing as a technology and regulatory attorney, he was named a White House technology policy advisor to President Obama. Later, Suhas started his own consulting small business based in Loudoun County while becoming deeply engaged in the community, serving as a volunteer firefighter and an active member of the Rotary Club of Ashburn. We’re thrilled to be behind Suhas, another rising star we’re excited to help propel to the legislature.

Delegate Kathy Tran, House of Delegates, District 42
One of the things we look for at Ascend are individuals who will not just fight to win their own races, but who will work to bring others along in the process; that leads us to our next candidate, Kathy Tran. Another 2017 Ascend endorsee and first-term legislator, Kathy Tran has an amazing personal story of coming to the U.S. as a refugee. A committed fighter for working families, Kathy spent over a decade in leadership roles at the U.S. Department of Labor and later joined the National Immigration Forum, while becoming engaged in her community as a mother of 4 and past President of her local PTA. Part of the way through her term in office, Delegate Tran was selected as Finance Co-Chair for the House Democratic Caucus, where she’s helping to lead the charge to support others running, even as she has come under fire in her own district by right-wing conservatives for her support for a person’s right to choose. We’re excited to support Delegate Tran as she runs for re-election and fights for a Democratic majority in the legislature.

Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, House of Delegates, District 2
Our next endorsee, a first-time endorsee of Ascend, Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, is another individual with an incredible life story who’s already seen as a rising star in the legislature -- and Commonwealth. Delegate Carroll Foy’s life has been about defying the odds and serving others. A graduate of just the third class of female cadets to graduate from the Virginia Military Institute, Delegate Carroll Foy went on to serve as a public defender, where she represented children experiencing abuse and families under the poverty line. After being raised by her grandmother, she fostered two children for nearly a decade and has spent her time in the legislature fighting for children and families. She proposed and passed legislation that made it easier for foster parents to adopt their foster children; proposed and passed legislation supporting greater access to career and technical education; and passed the budget with her colleagues that expanded access to Medicaid to 400,000 Virginians. Even among a group of talented emerging leaders, Delegate Carroll Foy is someone we know is going to go far.

Delegate Karrie Delaney, House of Delegates, District 67
This is the first year Ascend has had the opportunity to endorse again candidates who we supported in 2017. While some may be in a strong position to be re-elected -- like our next endorsee, Karrie Delaney -- our focus is to be part of the broader leadership development pipeline, and to continue to support these individuals as they ascend in their careers. Though Karrie has no opponent this year, we are excited to once again highlight her and the great work she’s doing in Richmond. Karrie began her career after college as a foster care group-home counselor, and for years served in non-profit organizations working to end human trafficking and provide counseling for victims of sexual assault. In 2017, we helped her in her first bid for state legislature, where she’s sought to make an impact on a larger and structural scale. In her first term alone, she’s passed 12 bills focused on these kinds of issues, and worked effectively across the aisle to get things done. We’re thrilled to endorse her again and help her continue her great work in Richmond.

Delegate Lashrecse Aird, House of Delegates, District 63
Our last endorsee is Delegate Lashrecse Aird, who represents an area South of Richmond. Lashrecse is another star who seems poised for re-election, but whom we wanted to continue to spotlight. In 2015, Delegate Aird became the youngest woman ever to serve in the Virginia House of Delegates at 28, and was among the first names that came up when we asked thought leaders about Virginia’s rising stars back in 2017. And she continues to impress. As a second-term member, she served on the Appropriations Committee, was part of the historic passage of Medicaid expansion in the House, and has focused on addressing the social determinants of health as they relate to her diverse district -- serving rural, suburban, and urban neighborhoods. As a third-term legislator, she would be well positioned to continue her leadership in the House of Delegates and continue being a strong voice for her constituents. We’re excited to once again endorse Delegate Aird.

Thank you to our Virginia House of Delegates endorsees for what you do every day, and thanks to all of you for your support of Ascend -- it’s what makes our support of these fantastic candidates possible.

Stay tuned tomorrow for our fall endorsements in local Virginia and Pennsylvania races.




David Burd

Ascend PAC

To donate to Ascend PAC, click here.

Ascend PAC is a 527 political action committee aimed at identifying and providing financial support to emerging Democratic candidates running for local office, including school board, city council, mayor, and state legislature. Contributions or gifts to Ascend PAC are not tax deductible.

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