I usually introduce myself by bouncing up to you and seeing if you have something to eat.

Dear John,

I usually introduce myself by bouncing up to you and seeing if you have something to eat.

But since we’re meeting virtually, I’ll get right to the point. My name is Regina sheep. I only have three legs, but my life is full because of all of the care and love I receive at Farm Sanctuary.

I wanted to make sure you saw my friend Megan’s email about Farm Sanctuary’s Vet Care Fund, and remind you that if you join Farm Sanctuary, our very nice Farm Sanctuary supporters, the Moog-Helluy family, will match your donation dollar for dollar, up to $10,000!

Those extra dollars help the caregivers at Farm Sanctuary make sure that I can get the special assistance I need to be healthy and happy, despite missing one leg. So far, having three legs hasn’t prevented me from jumping and playing with all of the other sheep. We have tons of fun!

But as I get older, it is harder for my legs to support me—which is why I’m so lucky to be here. I’m thankful every day for Farm Sanctuary, and for the generous people like you who support us. Please give more animals like me a second chance at the long and happy lives we deserve by joining Farm Sanctuary.

Thank you, in advance, for your support. I hope to hear from you soon!


Regina sheep


Can you help animals like Regina get the care they need?

2020 Vet Care Fund

Dear John,

With only three legs, Regina needs extra care.

Today, your gift can go TWICE as far to help her and all of the other rescued farm animals who require lifelong veterinary care from Farm Sanctuary.

Regina had all four legs when she was born, but the deck was stacked against her from the start. Born the runt of triplets into a high school agriculture program, not only did she have an overwhelmed mother and two bigger demanding siblings, but she lacked proper attention from those charged with her care.

Regina’s health deteriorated quickly. Rejected by her mother and unable to nurse, she became weaker and weaker. Within a week, she broke her right leg—likely from being trampled. She did not receive any veterinary care—not even medicine to help ease her pain.

Seeing that Regina wasn’t getting any better, the program’s administrators decided she should be “put down.” Thankfully a concerned parent felt otherwise—and helped Regina find safety and veterinary care at Farm Sanctuary.

You can’t put a price on rescuing Regina. But saving this sweet sheep meant amputating her broken leg—a costly operation. And now, with only three legs, Regina will require specialized care for the rest of her life.

That’s why Farm Sanctuary’s Vet Care Fund is so important; and right now, the Moog–Helluy family—generous friends of Farm Sanctuary—will match your gift to the 2020 Vet Care Fund, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000.

Support the 2020 Vet Care Fund

Your generous support for our Vet Care Fund will help Regina and all our animal residents receive the veterinary care they need—no matter what challenges they face.

For Regina, life after amputation has been very good. Following surgery, she was standing and walking right away—and soon, she was prancing and running like other baby lambs. Still, Regina’s unusual weight distribution puts extra pressure on her spine and remaining hind leg, which requires continuous bracing and chiropractic care.

Regina is still young, but at Farm Sanctuary we provide lifelong care. And just like in humans, advanced age brings additional health issues.

That’s why I’m turning to you, John. Please join Farm Sanctuary and have your donation DOUBLED to support the individualized care we give our entire animal family.

When you join, you’ll enjoy all of the special benefits of Farm Sanctuary membership:

  • FREE subscription to our member magazine, which is full of heartwarming stories about the animals whose lives you’re changing through your caring support;
  • SPECIAL ALERTS with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, urgent rescues, and more;
  • OPPORTUNITIES to sign petitions and speak out for farm animals.

With thoughts of animals like Regina, I hope you’ll join today.


Megan Watkins
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Regina would not have survived if a caring bystander hadn’t called us for help. If you ever see a farm animal in need of rescue, or believe farm animal cruelty is occurring in your community, please contact us at (607) 583-2225 ext. 223. Your call could help save an animal’s life!

P.P.S. Your gift can save an animal’s life, too! Please help make sure Farm Sanctuary continues helping farm animals in need by supporting our Vet Care Fund; your donation today will double in size and impact!


Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, ‌Watkins Glen,‌ NY 14891 | 607-5‌83-2225
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