From Pro Life Campaign <[email protected]>
Subject NEWS ALERT: Two women die in England from 'DIY' abortions, webinars, videos and more! 👣
Date July 31, 2020 12:25 PM
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31st July 2020
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** In this week's issue:

NEWS ALERT: Two women die in England from 'DIY' abortions, identical to 'home abortion' system approved by Minister For Health Stephen Donnelly (#pill)

WATCH: Students For Life 'Outlook' video with (#sfl1) Autumn Lindsay (#sfl1)

REGISTER (#reggie) : PLC Network Webinar with Reggie Littlejohn of Women's Rights Without Frontiers (#reggie)

REGISTER: PLC Network Communications Training with Wendy Grace (#wendy)

JOIN UP: LoveBoth Summer Fundraising Challenge (#lb)

S (#virtualintern) IGN UP: (#virtualintern) (#virtualintern) Virtual Intern Programme for TY students and older (#virtualintern)
NEWS ALERT: Two women die in England from 'DIY' abortions, identical to 'home abortion' system approved by Minister For Health Stephen Donnelly ()

Two women have died in England from ‘DIY’ home abortions, the recently approved system for accessing abortion in England amid the coronavirus pandemic.

An identical system for ensuring abortions continue to happen during the Covid-19 crisis is also operating in Ireland with the full backing of the Government, despite the serious health risks it poses to pregnant women as well as to unborn babies.

The tragic news of the two deaths only came to light yesterday after an email sent by a senior NHS midwife, alerting colleagues to the “escalating risks” of home abortions, was leaked.
The leaked email also states that women availing of ‘DIY’ abortions are regularly attending ED [emergency departments] for “ruptured ectopics, major resuscitation for major haemorrhage” due to the abortions.

The Pro Life Campaign first raised concerns about the Irish Government’s approval of telemedicine home abortions on 27^th March, the day the then Minister for Health Simon Harris approved the new system.

It is wholly unacceptable that the new Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, continues to dodge the question on whether the Chief Medical Officer signed off on the decision to approve the introduction of home abortions here.

Telemedicine ‘DIY’ abortions typically involve women self-administering abortion pills at home without any face-to-face consultation with a doctor beforehand. As shown by the two tragic deaths in England in recent weeks, it endangers the lives of women as well as their babies.

It’s only a matter of time before a woman dies in Ireland as a result of the reckless decision of the present government to approve home abortions. Stephen Donnelly chose to ignore the warnings from TDs like Carol Nolan and Eamon Ó Cuiv, the Pro Life Campaign and others in recent weeks about the lives that are being put at risk as a result of the Government’s bull-headed unthinking facilitation of abortion at all costs. But given the tragic news from England this week, they can no longer hide from the life-endangering consequences of their continued support for ‘DIY’ abortions.

Stephen Donnelly, as Minister for Health, has a responsibility to immediately suspend the practice of telemedicine abortion and place on the record once and for all whether or not the opinion of the CMO was sought before ‘DIY’ abortions were first sanctioned back in March.
PLC Network Communications Training with Wendy Grace - FREE but limited spaces ()

Want to learn how to explain the pro-life position (or advance your knowledge) and skillfully answer challenging questions? Our next online Communications Workshop will cater for all levels and will take place on Wednesday 19th August from from 8.30-9.30pm.

You can register instantly
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In the final episode of The Outlook, Isabelle of Students For Life talked to Autumn Lindsey from Students for Life of America about their amazing work on campuses and how they stay motivated in the fight for life! Click above to watch the short interview.

#TheOutlook ([link removed]) #StudentsForLife ([link removed]) #LifeIsBeautiful ([link removed])

Next PLC Network Webinar to feature Reggie Littlejohn of Women's Rights Without Frontiers - Register Today ()
Our next PLC Network Webinar will take place on Saturday, 11th August at 12noon. Special Guest at this event will be Reggie Littlejohn of Women's Rights Without Frontiers.

Reggie is Founder and President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition to expose and oppose forced abortion, gendercide and sexual slavery in China. Reggie also led the international effort to free blind activist Chen Guangcheng, who arrived in the United States in 2012.

The event will feature a panel discussion with Grassroots activists, project spotlights and an interview with Reggie Littlejohn.

The event is free but pre-registration is essential.
Register for PLC Network Webinar here ([link removed])
There's still time to SIGN UP or SPONSOR the LoveBoth 5k Challenge. ()
We are thrilled with the number of people who have already registered to complete a 5K run or walk to raise much needed funds for support services for women in unplanned pregnancy and new mothers. There's so much interest that we are extending the initiative for July!

If you have already registered to take part, please share it on social media and nominate five others to join you. If you haven't signed up, why not do so today? All you need to do is commit to doing a 5k walk or run.
You can register here ([link removed])

Once you register, you will get an invitation to join the online 'Team' and we will send you out your official LoveBoth fundraising pack. They you can get on the road like some of our many volunteers below!

How else can you support the cause?

Whether you are doing the challenge or not you can donate to this this fundraiser here ([link removed])

Are you a secondary school (TY or older) or third level student? Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning? We are seeking ‘virtual’ interns to work part-time from home at this time. Internships run for one week periods throughout the Summer.

here ([link removed]) to find out more and apply instantly!
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Follow us on social media!

Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events. If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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