July 31, 2020
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Steve A. Stone

July 31, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

July 31, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Recently, New York-based journalist Joan Swirsky interviewed author Linda Goudsmit about her book The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with 'Kindness'. Below is their exchange.... (more)

July 31, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? During these days of COVID-19, when many churches remain closed by government mandate to keep the virus from spreading, a new religion has arisen in the country...and it's all based on a myth.... (more)

July 31, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? John MacArthur has declared Independence Day for the American Church. MacArthur, one of America's finest expositors and the pastor of Grace Community Church in Southern California, has openly defied California governor Gavin Newsom, who issued an utterly unconstitutional edict that churches were not, under any circumstances, allowed to meet.... (more)

July 31, 2020
GLENN BECK FACEBOOK ? This past week has been "stunning" to Dr. Simone Gold after Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other sites took down videos of her organization, America's Frontline Doctors, supporting hydroxychloroquine. She believes "we're in the death throes of free speech" as she, doctors, and even patients, are being censored. And she's not afraid to speak out.... (more)

July 31, 2020
THE SPECTATOR ? Frontline doctors from across the US held a "White Coat Summit" on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus. The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.... (more)

July 31, 2020
NEWSMAX ? When Dr. David Samadi, M.D., lead medical contributor for Newsmax TV, logged onto his Twitter account on Wednesday, he noticed something was different. He couldn't tweet out any messages. Then he checked his email. In his inbox, an email from Twitter telling him his account "has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules."... (more)

July 31, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The media arm of the Islamic State has put out a video encouraging followers in the United States to launch arson attacks. The highly-produced footage appears in Arabic and English and was released this past weekend, according to The Washington Examiner.... (more)

July 31, 2020
'Weaponized FBI was solely trying to take down an incumbent president'
WORLDNETDAILY ? A House Republican charges Democrats' attacks on Donald Trump during the 2016 election and when he assumed the Oval Office are "treasonous." U.S. Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., rebuked the FBI and said criminal charges are likely because "the level to which this agency and these individuals were trying to thwart an incoming president, to me, is treasonous," reported Just the News.... (more)

July 31, 2020
Nadler insults, degrades Barr, then prevents him from answering numerous ?questions? of the ?do-you-still-beat-your-wife?? variety from committee members
C-SPAN ? Attorney General William Barr testified on the Justice Department's work and programs in an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee. Lawmakers questioned the attorney general on a range issues of including involvement in the Roger Stone and Michael Flynn cases, police reform, and federal law enforcement actions toward protesters.... (more)

July 29, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? New York Rep. Jerry Nadler is shown in a new online clip calling violence in Portland by Antifa a "myth," after protests were declared a riot on Sunday morning.... (more)

July 29, 2020
America's Frontline Doctors' July 27 press conference
BITCHUTE ? America's Frontline Doctors, a group of practicing U.S. physicians and researchers, held a press conference July 27 in Washington DC to protest extreme and intrusive government policies — driven by "fake science" — that have politicized the COVID-19 pandemic and caused thousands of needless deaths, resulting in unwarranted panic and social disruption, and preventing patients and doctors from having access to proven treatment for the virus. The press conference has been banned by Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for challenging what the doctors characterize as "draconian" methods and actions by state and federal agencies they say are more detrimental to the American people than the coronavirus itself.... (more)

July 27, 2020
BITCHUTE ? A day after they were censored by Big Tech for protesting government agencies' withholding of proven treatment for COVID-19, resulting in thousands of needless deaths from the coronavirus, the medical group America's Frontline Doctors held a follow-up press conference to rebut media distortions of their first press conference and to encourage Americans to see the data and facts for themselves and demand that the government allow patients and doctors access to safe, proven, previously available treatment that is now being withheld without a scientific basis. MUST SEE.... (more)

July 27, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? Perhaps one of the most moving texts in the whole Bible is Genesis 50:20, where Joseph says to his brothers, "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."... (more)

July 26, 2020
Lloyd's last column
LLOYD MARCUS ? My patriotic mood began re-watching Whitney Houston's spectacular performance of our National Anthem at Super Bowl XXV in 1991. Whitney's rendition was re-released as a single after the 9/11 terrorists attacks. She donated all proceeds to charity. Serendipitous, these remarkable quotes about America appeared on my radar.... (more)

July 26, 2020
YOUTUBE ? On his July 23 show, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported that it's likely Americans have never been as unhappy as they are right now, and for Democrats, that's a win politically.... (more)

July 26, 2020
July 24 show
BITCHUTE ? What's happening in Chicago is a disaster, with unmanageable violence, debt, and incompetence, resulting in people fleeing the city in record numbers. Mayor Lightfoot "has no idea what she is doing" and makes no sense in her "implausible lies" about the Democrat city's longtime problems – which she blames on Republicans.... (more)

July 26, 2020
CONRAD BLACK ? The Democratic Party's platform consists of the exploitation of public COVID-19 hysteria, the creation of lawless urban chaos, Marxist economic redistribution, and the embrace of unlimited illegal immigration.... (more)

July 26, 2020
ROBERT KNIGHT ? Munch. Munch. Wow, these Maria cookies made by Goya sure are crispy. And only 25 calories each. We've got a boatload of Goya products in our pantry now, one of our pushbacks against the left's increasingly aggressive culture war on America.... (more)

July 26, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES ? New Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said Friday that he expects President Trump to win all the states he captured in 2016 and possibly pick up several more, despite national polls showing the president trailing Democrat Joseph R. Biden by double digits.... (more)

July 26, 2020
Lloyd Marcus was published extensively, including at RenewAmerica, where he was the site's most subscribed-to columnist
AMERICAN THINKER ? American Thinker's readers will be shocked to learn of the passing of Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party icon, prolific American Thinker contributor, and conservative activist extraordinaire. Lloyd proudly called himself "the unhyphenated American." Lloyd suffered an apparent heart attack early Friday, dying before medical assistance could arrive. His beloved wife Mary was at his side at the time.... (more)

July 26, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot expressed agreement with President Trump's plan to deploy federal police to the city during a Wednesday evening phone call with the president, according to the mayor's office.... (more)

July 24, 2020
RED STATE ? I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the national Black Lives Matter organization is nothing more than white progressives in political blackface. This truth has become evident in cities like Portland, OR, where predominantly white leftist organizations are wreaking havoc and mayhem ostensibly in the name of black America.... (more)

July 23, 2020
RICH LOWRY ? We live in an age of viral videos that often can be deceiving. That's certainly the case in Portland, where the hyperbolic charges of federal stormtroopers hunting down peaceful protesters first began based on videos that didn't tell the whole story. Now that Department of Homeland Security officials have explained the operation, there's no excuse for the continued Nazi references – not that there ever really was.... (more)

July 23, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The Conference of Jewish Affairs has called the use of the term "stormtroopers" by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in reference to federal officers sent to Portland to quell violent protests in the city "offensive to Jews across the world." Pelosi recently called agents from the Department of Homeland Security "stormtroopers" and claimed they were kidnapping people on the streets.... (more)

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