Team — Wanted to make sure you saw Yvette’s email from last night.

There is a lot at stake this November, and as of right now we are $5,481 away from reaching our July Grassroots Fundraising Goal.

This team has come through for Yvette before, and I know you will come through again. Do you think you could chip in $5 or $10 right now to help us close this gap before midnight tonight?


Thank you

— Ross

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yvette Clarke <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 6:22 PM
Subject: what is at stake

Team — In a second, I will ask for you to chip in towards our end of month deadline. But first, let me explain why I need your help.


Make no mistake — November 3rd will be one of the most important days in our nation’s history.

It’s our only chance to save our nation from the harm that President Donald Trump and Senator Mitch McConnell have inflicted over the last 4 years.

It’s our chance to send a clear message to Washington that the people of Brooklyn stand together in the fight for racial and economic equality.

And it’s our chance to elect a Congress that will pass Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and a pathway to citizenship for our DREAMers.

But none of that is possible if we can’t send a Democrat to represent Brooklyn in Congress.

We’re up against our most serious Republican opponent in years, and I will not be taking this race for granted.

So please, if you can, consider making a donation of $5 or $10 to my reelection campaign today.


Thank you for being someone I can always count on,

— Yvette


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