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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 31 July


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Liverpool school admissions process to be examined amid concern it disadvantages Muslims

The effect of Liverpool's schools admissions processes on Muslim children and those from ethnic minority backgrounds is set to be examined by councillors. It comes after a meeting earlier this year, when a group of Muslim parents said admissions criteria for faith schools and academies nearby meant their children often ended up being placed in schools on the other side of the city.

Liverpool Echo


Jewish faith schools to select pupils based on 'religious practice' points

The Chief Rabbi has published new guidelines for entry into Jewish schools under his authority in September 2021 because of the pandemic. If schools are oversubscribed, priority goes to children who have attained a certain number of points on a religious practice certificate.

The JC


Council to undergo review of directory service after 'conversion therapy' link highlighted

Mid Ulster District Council have temporarily suspended their directory function after a listed organisation was linked to controversial 'conversion therapy' tactics some organisations claim can 'cure' homosexuality.

Derry Now


'Islamic State supporter from Bury planned lone wolf terror attacks', court told

An alleged supporter of so-called Islamic State researched modifying a drone to be used in a terrorist attack, possibly targeting the British Army or police, a court has heard.

Bury Times


Jehovah's Witnesses had 'disowned' man found dead in park

Lewis Marshall, 27, died after he hanged himself at St James Park in Bristol. His mother said he was "disowned" by his Jehovah Witness fellowship due to his smoking and drinking and erratic behaviour.

Somerset Live


'Only a true "numpty" could support new hate crime bill in its current form'

The Bill erodes one of the key fundamentals of our hard-earned rights, namely freedom of speech, says Alan Simpson.

The Herald


Mexico Supreme Court rejects state's bid to decriminalise abortion

The case revolved around an injunction granted in the eastern state of Veracruz, which would have effectively decriminalised termination in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.



'Banned in China, some Falun Gong fear new Hong Kong national security law'

The spiritual group was banned in mainland China in 1999 but its members have been allowed to practice in Hong Kong freely, even though the group urges people to renounce the ruling Chinese Communist Party.



'The Supreme Court’s religious crusaders take on the pandemic response'

The fight over limits on church attendance divides the justices, says Linda Greenhouse.

The New York Times (£)


'IS prisoner issue a ticking timebomb for the West'

The latent danger posed by thousands of defeated and captured fighters who joined the Islamic State group is festering and growing in the squalid, overcrowded prison camps of north-east Syria, where riots and attempted breakouts are becoming commonplace.



The latest from the NSS


It's not too late to fulfil George Holyoake's secularist vision

With secularist principles under siege across much of the world, it's worth reconsidering the vision of the man who coined the term 'secularism' in the 19th century, says his biographer Ray Argyle.


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