
Joe Biden is surging in Florida, and if he wins here, Trump has almost no chance of getting re-elected.

With less than 100 days until the election, it’s critical for Debbie’s Flip Florida Fund to expand Democratic turnout and fight Republican voter suppression.

Click here to help us close our $5,128 budget gap before our crucial end-of-month deadline tomorrow at midnight. We have to expand our grassroots organizing to defeat Trump here in Florida!

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According to The Hill, winning Florida would make Trump’s “path to reelection vanishingly narrow.”

That’s why the work our Flip Florida Fund is doing to expand Democratic turnout and offset Republican voter suppression tactics is so important.

Can I count on you to help me finish Trump by making a grassroots donation now? We have to close our $8,124 budget gap before the critical end-of-month deadline tomorrow at midnight →

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately by clicking a button below. Otherwise, you will be redirected to a donation page.

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Thank you for all that you do,
