
Our July deadline hits tomorrow at midnight and we’re still pretty far from our $12,500 goal. As of right now, we have exactly $9,373 to go.

Can you rush a donation of $10 or more right now to get us the rest of the way?

As soon as this deadline passes, we will be one month from the primary election in Massachusetts. That means that this would be the worst possible time to fall behind on one of our goals.

Hitting goals like this one allow us to communicate our message throughout the district, provide critical information on how to cast a mail ballot, and ensure Seth stays right where he is in Congress.

Our opponents are looking for an opportunity in this final stretch. They’re looking to catch us getting too comfortable, with our guard down.   

We have to make sure that doesn’t happen, John.

This team has come through for us time and again. And right now, we need your help more than ever. Please contribute whatever is meaningful to you right now to help close our $9,373 gap to the July end-of-month goal.

Thank you for all you’re doing,

Team Moulton