This is dangerous. And we need to put a stop to it.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


I think Louie Gohmert just invented a new word.

FREEDUMB (noun): The quality or state of being able to do whatever asinine thing you want, even if it endangers the health and safety of everyone around you.
// Louie Gohmert won’t let 150,000 dead Americans stop him from exercising his freedumb to refuse to wear a mask during a deadly pandemic.

Pitch in $10 or what you can to elect a Congressman who won’t sacrifice public health to score cheap partisan points >>>

Republicans like Louie Gohmert say that personal responsibility is at the core of their ideology. Well, my mama always told me that talk is cheap. Louie Gohmert showed us just how much he values personal responsibility when he informed his staff he tested positive for the coronavirus in person. This is after weeks of insisting his aides work from the office and ridiculing GOP staffers wearing masks.

And now that he has the virus? Louie is doubling down, saying he “most likely got” it from the few times he deigned to wear a mask.

Enough is enough. Rush $10 to help us unseat Gohmert in November and bring sanity and public service back to this seat >>>

Louie Gohmert knows his freedumb isn’t free. His staffers and the rest of us have to gamble our lives to pay for it.

Let’s get Gohmert gone from Congress.

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank