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Just News

for July 30, 2020

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


NCRC, Local Groups And City Of Toledo Sue CFPB To Overturn Rule That Undermines Detection Of Discrimination In Mortgage Lending
Today, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and a group of community organizations, represented by Public Citizen Litigation Group, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to overturn a new rule that exempts thousands of financial institutions from reporting data that is key to uncovering housing discrimination. [Read more]


Amid Funding Threats And Coronavirus, Minority College Students Face Many Concerns
For many universities and their students, COVID-19 created new problems and exacerbated existing vulnerabilities. [Read more]

Homelessness During COVID And Beyond
Those experiencing homelessness are especially vulnerable to getting sick due to previous health conditions and lack of access to general wellness care. [Read more]

African Americans Are Missing Ten Trillion Dollars Of Wealth
For African Americans to own a share of the wealth proportionate to their 13% of the population, they’d require another $10 trillion of wealth. [Read more]

Field Notes

Young Scholar Starts At The Intersection Of Residential Segregation And Health
When our communications team was asked to review and possibly publish an article by Julia Perrino, we were immediately impressed with her writing ability. When we realized she was in high school, we knew we had to do a complemental story just on her.  [Read more]

The Expansion Of Telemedicine Underscores Existing Disparities In Healthcare Access
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased use of telemedicine, demonstrating the benefits of remote care. It has also amplified disparities in healthcare. [Read more]


Resources To Help Support The Black Lives Matter Movement
If you are interested in supporting Black Lives Matter, these resources may be helpful for you. [Read more]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

Upcoming Events

Federal Agency Strategies For Reducing Elder Fraud
August 4, 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET
Join NCRC to discuss efforts addressing scams targeting the elderly. [Register now]

Fair Housing 101 - Part I: Back to Basics
August 5, 2:00pm - 3:30pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy for a basic overview on fair housing by reviewing the history and specifics of the Fair Housing Act. [Register now]

Fair Housing 101 - Part II: Fair Lending & Consumer Protection
August 19, 2:00pm - 3:30pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy to learn how to build on your fair housing knowledge by reviewing lending and consumer laws that impact your daily interaction with clients. [Register now]

In the News

Perspective | Charter Schools And Their Management Companies Won at Least $925 Million In Federal Coronavirus Funding, Data Shows
A recent study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found “different levels of encouragement to apply for loans, different products offered, and different information provided by bank representatives.” [Washington Post]

The Community Reinvestment Act Isn’t Working
An analysis from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that stadiums in opportunity zones, middle-income homeowners living in high-cost neighborhoods, and volunteer hours could all qualify as CRA activities. [Medium]

Can Corporations Walk the Walk on Racial Justice?
The Race, Wealth, and Community team at the National Council for Community Reinvestment, in partnership with Beneficial State Foundation, is now analyzing racial and ethnic representation and procurement in the financial sector. [Colorado Times Recorder]

Civil Rights, Housing Groups Condemn Trump’s Effort To Gut Fair Housing 
“This is terrible. The administration just gutted the rule that enforces fairness in housing, which was and still is the whole point of the Fair Housing Act,” said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Defender Network]

People of Color Are Facing Economic Devastation While Police Get a Blank Check
“Our economy and health care system marginalize the economically vulnerable so this recession caused by a health crisis leaves the most economically and health-fragile community members to face the worst of both of these crises,” said Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, chief of race, wealth and community at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Truthout]

"We've Been Gentrified"
A recent study from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition said the census tract where Carter lives is, in fact, “gentrified,” and it ranked Indianapolis No. 12 on a list of the most intensely gentrifying cities from 2013 to 2017. [NUVO]

Senior Living Providers Net At Least $252 Million in Small PPP Loans
A study conducted by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that Black business owners had a harder time getting federal aid through the program. [Senior Housing News]

On Our Radar

What Happens if 23 Million Renters Are Evicted?
What could the crisis do to evicted individuals and their families, and to shelter systems, public health, and the rental housing market? [ShelterForce]

Warren Hammers CFPB Director Over Consumer Complaints: 'You Should Resign'
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called for the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to resign over her handling of the response to the coronavirus pandemic. [The Hill]

How The Pandemic Could Force A Generation Of Mothers Out Of The Workforce
Now, with schools closed and day cares struggling to remain open, even more women may conclude that the best — or perhaps the only — choice for their family and their own sanity is to reduce their hours, or even press “pause” on their career. [FiveThirtyEight]

One Home, A Lifetime Of Impact
Homeownership rates of black people lag behind whites’ rates, impacting their ability to build generational wealth. In the first quarter of 2020, 44 percent of black families owned their home, compared with 73.7 percent of white families, according to the Census Bureau. [Washington Post]

#AfterThis: A Virtual Hug
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