but on this day, Islam was perfected for the world.

Assalamu’alaykum John,

The day of Arafah is the best day of the year, the day on which Allah (swt) tells us He perfected our religion.

As we supplicate to our Lord on this day, fast to expiate our sins, and seek guidance and forgiveness, we acknowledge Islam as our way of life and strive to live in accordance to its proscriptions and ideals.

Like all religions, Islam is legal in America, but we cannot ignore the fact that Muslims are treated differently in America based on how we choose to practice.

Here are a few issues American Muslims face:

  • Freedom of Movement – Muslims face unique travel restrictions in the form of the No-Fly List and "special security screenings" without due process.

  • Freedom of Assembly – Groups are abusing zoning laws to take away the right to build and expand mosques.

  • Freedom of Speech – More than 300 nonprofits lost status since 2011 as Muslims charities receive undue scrutiny. Individuals have been investigated for their free speech activities.

  • Freedom to Bank – Banks are closing accounts of Muslims because of new regulations making it more difficult to provide humanitarian aid overseas - and sometimes, with no explanation at all.

  • Freedom of Religion – Muslim prisoners are denied halal meals and other religious accommodations. Federal employees who identify as Muslim are treated with suspicion and often lose their jobs as a result.

  • Freedom of Opportunity – Immigration delays, denials, or other harmful actions deny the opportunities of America simply on the basis of an individual’s color or creed.

As Muslims, we have a duty to uphold justice.

As Americans, we must stand up for the rights our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish.

As an organization, MLFA is holding institutionalized bigotry and xenophobia accountable to America’s promise of freedom, liberty and justice for all.

As a community, we need to come together to protect our rights, our faith, and our future.

On this most blessed day of the year, we ask you to give sadaqah,
fulfill your zakat, or make a dedicated donation towards justice.

We ask Allah (swt) to enable Muslims to establish justice to the best of their abilities, to continue to fight for the persecuted and the oppressed, and to strengthen our families and our institutions.

There are many ways to earn blessings with Allah (swt). On this blessed day, consider making a generous contribution to fund the work that makes justice possible, and with Allah’s help, defend the rights of Muslims to continue to practice the religion Allah perfected for us, freely, confidently, and securely.

John, can I count on you during this most blessed day of the year to support justice?

In faith and for justice,

Executive Director
Muslim Legal Fund of America