JULY 30, 2020
Meyerson on TAP
Mitt Romney and the Short Rope
In his role as the personification of the pre-Trump Republican Party, Mitt Romney has proposed a modification of the provision in Senate Republicans’ new COVID bill that immediately slashes the $600 weekly unemployment insurance supplement to $200. Romney’s proposal would phase in the cut, reducing the amount to $400 one month from now, $200 two months from now, and zeroing it out three months from now.

In his desire to phase in insufficiency rather than impose it abruptly, the Mittster is upholding the time-honored traditions of "moderate" Republicans. So time-honored, in fact, that his policy is best described by a line I heard from Democratic Sen. Eugene McCarthy during his 1968 presidential campaign.

"Republicans adhere to the short-rope theory," McCarthy said. "A man is drowning 50 feet from shore. Republicans throw him a 30-foot rope and say, ‘We’ve gone more than halfway.’"

Mitt Romney is a short-rope Republican.

The Triumphant Return of Congress
At Wednesday’s Big Tech hearings, the House Antitrust Subcommittee showed what informed politicians and a real investigation can do.
How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up
As California attorney general, she spent years subverting a 2011 Supreme Court ruling requiring the state to reduce its prison population. The overseeing judicial panel nearly found the state in contempt of court.
Elizabeth Warren: VP or Treasury Secretary?
It’s a close question. But one way or another, she needs a senior post in a Biden administration.
New York Primary Glitches Show Rough Waters Ahead for November
The Empire State primary provides one example of how difficult it is to transition to vote-by-mail elections. BY BRITTANY GIBSON
Unsanitized: Postal Service Being Torn Apart from Within
Also the day traders fly into Kodak. This is The COVID-19 Daily Report for July 30, 2020. BY DAVID DAYEN

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