July 30, 2020
Listen to Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the ongoing suppression of science in an effort to advance liberal coronavirus narratives. We are entering a troubling new era of anti-science because of the media and the left.
I also address a media report showing the profound troubles with mass mail-in voting.
Senator Cruz Introduces Bill Blocking Coronavirus Funding For States That Discriminate Against Religion
On Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz introduced legislation that would withhold coronavirus funding to states and localities that engage in religious discrimination against people or institutions regarding COVID restrictions.
Seasonal Flu Poses 4X Higher Risk to Schoolchildren Than Coronavirus
Just over 153,000 Americans have been recorded as having died from the coronavirus – and fewer than 200 of them were below the age of 25.
Bookies Bet Big on Kamala Harris for Biden VP Ahead of Announcement
Joe Biden isn’t set to announce his Vice Presidential pick until next week, and all eyes (and dollars) are on Kamala Harris.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991