This morning 45 tweeted, "Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"
Some say "he can't do that!" We listen to what he plans, and say, "HELL NO!"

Some say there's nothing we can do to stop Trump. NO! Mass, sustained, non-violent protest across the country demanding OUT with this fascist regime is the most important thing we can do to stop this horror. Dangerous regimes all over the world have been driven out by the people in sustained, non-violent protest demanding the removal of the regime and refusing to go home until their demand is met. To stop an American fascism that threatens the very future of humanity and the planet, the necessary demand is Trump Pence Out Now! We must not stop until our demand is won.
This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence regime must go NOW!
In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America!
JOIN in protests by:
Thursday July 30
New York City Stop Terrorizing Black Communities, No Fascist Police State! Trump/Pence OutNOW!
5:30 pm Bellevue Park 28th & 2nd Avenue
San Diego Trump-Pence #OutNow: NO Federal Troops!
4:00 pm Park Blvd & University Avenue Facebook event
Saturday August 1
Boston 4:00 pm Davis Square, Cambridge MA Facebook event
Honolulu Car Caravan 5:00 pm Gateway Waterfront Park in Kakaako Facebook event
Los Angeles South Central March 2:00 pm Florence & Broadway Facebook event
New York City 5:00 pm Union Square Facebook page
Philadelphia 8:00 pm Rittenhouse Square Facebook event
San Francisco 1:00 pm Polk & California. March to Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate Avenue
Monday August 3 Inside with #OutNOW LIVE featuring Coco Das & Carl Dix
8:00 pm EDT / 5:00 pm PDT streaming live on Facebook Twitter Youtube
Coco & Carl will speak to the toughest questions facing all those who want to see removal of the fascist Trump/Pence regime. Send your questions
RefuseFascism national team 917 407 1286