The first annual Respect for Fish Day is this Saturday! There is increasing awareness that fish are intelligent, sentient beings who have the capacity to feel pain and to suffer. Despite that knowledge, fish are exploited in many ways, including in science and for food. For example, a company called AquaBounty has genetically engineered (GE) salmon to grow twice as fast as those in the wild, all to maximize its profits if the fish ever hits supermarket shelves. But it doesn’t stop there. Like other animals raised for food under intensive conditions, little thought is given to the welfare of the fish. The GE salmon will be confined for over a year in crowded, indoor tanks—essentially factory farms for fish, where they’ll be immersed in chemically-treated water due to a high risk of bacteria, parasites, and pollution that can also affect the surrounding environment. Their misery will only end when they are inhumanely killed so humans can eat them. Fish are amazing animals who need and deserve kindness and compassion! - What can you do on Respect for Fish Day?
- Avoid eating fish—the problems with 'farmed' and wild caught fish are vast.
- Share this e-mail.
- Write your legislators to ask that they support efforts to limit the production and sale of GE animals for food.