The Water Team has something for everyone. If you’re fiscally conservative, hate handouts and want to grow business to help drive sales tax revenue to balance Florida’s $92 billion dollar budget, you’ve got no better team. Clean, healthy water is the economic engine that runs on its own. No industry in Florida contributes more in tax revenue than the tourism, fishing and boating industries. The Water Team is also for dumping corporate welfare for Sugar and stopping the price supports for an industry that takes so much and gives so little.
For the progressives out there, the Water Team is steadfast against special interests having an outsized influence on our state’s politicians. The W’s also want and will fight for the environment and ecology of the state. And the W’s will fight unchecked growth.
Who’s ready to join the fight for clean water by electing politicians, at all levels of government, committed to: restoring the Everglades, holding polluters accountable, making human health a priority, fully funding pollution monitoring and enforcement, staying “sugar-free,” lowering Lake Okeechobee during the dry season, holding phosphate companies responsible for their pollution and for prioritizing above-ground water storage and conveyance instead of injection wells.
Does this sound like a platform you’d support? Are you ready to fight? Pick your teammates. Go to and find out who you should be voting for. The organization doesn’t cover every county or every important race, but Bullsugar president Richard Trotta says the VoteWater team plans to in the future. “We’ve got volunteers from the northern Indian River Lagoon all the way to the Keys and up to Tampa Bay. Next cycle we’ll cover the entire state,” committed Trotta.
Many of the all-important local and state races will be decided during the primaries, this month, August 18th. Don’t let the bums continue to kick the can. Go to and bring about immediate change, where it matters most, in the water.