Hey friends,

OPERATION SAVE AMERICA: UNMASKED, our week of exposing OSA during their “national event”, is over.

But because it was soooo frigging amazing and effective, AAF is making OSA:UNMASKED a permanent project! Unmasked did EXACTLY what we had hoped…blew up social media and in turn, educated a huge new audience about who OSA is and the twisted agenda that they stand for. On TikTok alone, AAF and our partners made 62 videos that had nearly half a million views, 61,000 likes and over 3,000 shares.

Over ten thousand people watched live on Facebook as our partners broadcast the abuse that anti-abortion “sidewalk counselors” heaped upon patients and clinic staff. And The Daily Beast covered OSA Unmasked and the work of AAF in this great in-depth article.

We were also so excited that we were able to provide resources that made it possible for a bunch of our amazing activist partners from around the country to join us and unmask their own local garbage OSA protesters both online and during (safe) on-the-ground actions.

Online, we created media awareness campaigns for many cities, creating beautiful images like this one for our friends in Louisville: 

For our partners in Charlotte NC and Jackson MS we designed massive posters exposing local extremists to display right outside the clinics. Charlotte for Choice faced off against extremist group Love Life and OSA founder Flip Benham. The Pinkhouse Defenders in Jackson are using signs we designed to shine a light on their local hatemonger (and actual medical doctor) Coleman Boyd. And Feminist Flag Corps tracked down OG Operation Rescue Founder Randall Terry when he rolled into Columbus OH. 

Operation Save America closed out their toxic masculinity jamboree on Saturday and we closed out our week unmasking them with nothing less than A COUP! It was brought to our attention that that OSA let some of their internet domain names expire DURING THEIR FRIGGIN CONVENTION, soooo guess who owns operationsaveamerica.com now bitches? Click on it, it is glorious!

Finally, of course we couldn’t send a recap email without a few gems from the mansplaining monsters we unmasked so you can really get a taste of the ideals and worldview that these de-fundamentalists are pushing out to the public. There’s more where these came from over at osaunmasked.com or operationsaveamerica.com, GOD THAT IS SO FUN TO SAY, plus some very comprehensive explainers of just how dangerous OSA is, and all kinds of tools you can use so you can join us in continuing to unmask their terrifying agenda Every. Damn. Day.

Here's OSA Director Rusty Thomas explaining that abortion is a "man's issue":

This next one is extra delicious as ol’ David gets his panties in a wad about how the internet and technology are the agents of sorcery, and maybe he is right…because while he is busy steeping in his demon seed paranoia, our coven of bad asses BOUGHT HIS DOMAIN NAME OUT FROM UNDER HIM. Have I mentioned how excited I am about this? 

So we aren’t going to stop with just one week of action. AAF is committed to unmasking them all day, every day. You see, OSA continues to be incredibly destructive in two vitally important places: in front of clinics and inside state legislatures. Even during a pandemic, OSA’s street team has been harassing patients and clinic staff with no regard for social distancing or masks, ‘cause why? Well COVID is a hoax of course! 

As long as OSA continues their daily harassment and bullying, AAF is going to stay on their ass, ensuring that the world understands their relentless pursuit of Christian supremacy at the state and national levels of our government. If you can throw a few dollars our way to support our continued vigilance, we would really appreciate it!

This is why we fight!

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