
Winning in 2020 isn't going to be easy. National Republicans have had their sights on flipping Dr. Kim Schrier's seat and replacing her with another Trump yes-man since the day she was sworn in.

We need to ensure Kim stays in Congress fighting for affordable health care, women's rights, and the environment -- but that means building a strong grassroots team that lets everyone in WA-08 know that Kim is fighting for them every day.

We all wish elections could be won without fundraising, but the funds we raise pay the salaries of grassroots organizers who work with thousands (!!) of volunteers to knock doors and call voters.

So John, we need your help.

It's people like you who chip in what they can when they can, that allows us to travel the district, talk with voters about the work Kim is doing for them in Congress, listen to their concerns, and mount a strong grassroots movement.

Having a strong network of grassroots donors is imperative to the success of our campaign. While Republicans have the support of dark money donors, Kim refuses to take corporate PAC money and relies on supporters like you to keep this campaign running.

We can win in 2020, and fight off impending Republican attacks -- but only if we all work together. Can you step up and help Kim keep fighting for you in Congress? Chip in $5 or more to help us hit our critical end-of-month deadline.

Thank you,

Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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