
Beth wanted us to make sure you saw her picture earlier from Air Force One. She is spending the day with the President talking about the importance our oil and gas industry plays in creating hundreds of thousands of good-paying, middle-class jobs, and America's national security.

Since she is spending the day with President Trump, we promised her our grassroots supporters would step up and help us hit our end of month fundraising goal. We have less than 6 hours to go before our daily deadline and we need 346 more grassroots donors to step up before midnight.
We want to give Beth the good news that we will hit our daily goal when she is back tomorrow. Could you join our team and show Beth that you support her today with a donation of $24? 

We know our opponent will try to use Beth's support of middle class jobs in our oil and gas industry and President Trump against her, so we need YOU to step up today to help counter that.
Thank you so much for your support! We know it is because of you that we will keep TX-24 RED in November,

Team Van Duyne

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Beth's iPhone
To: Team Van Duyne
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 12:47:38 PM CDT
Subject: With President Trump
John- President Trump and Secretary Perry just landed in Texas to talk about the hundreds of thousands of jobs in our critical oil and gas industry. I was able to greet the President on the tarmac to welcome him to our great state and I wanted to quickly pass along a picture from this morning before heading to the first event of the day.
I'm so grateful to President Trump for being here to emphasize the importance of American Energy Independence and the threat we face from radical Democrats who want to decimate these good-paying middle-class jobs. I hope you will join me in showing President Trump that we are ready to fight for TX-24 by donating $24 before our afternoon meetings. If 1,432 grassroots supporters step up right now, I will be able to announce that we have hit our daily goal early!

Donate Here:



Sent from my iPhone