Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom.


"When you're at the collegiate level, you’re training as hard as you can. You’re putting everything out there and using every opportunity to train, and you know that the biological male is doing the same thing, but due to the biological differences in the male body vs. the female body, they triumph over us in athletics."

- Madi Kenyon, collegiate track athlete who's fighting for fairness in women's sports



Vice President Biden: Don’t Ask Women to Play the Victim

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s recently tweeted the claim that women “have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country.” Really? Last checked, Nancy Pelosi (a woman) is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Let’s go back a mere four years ago and the candidate running for President of the United States was Hillary Clinton (a woman). By the way, the majority of regular college students are women. Who sits atop the education hierarchy in the United States today? U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos (a woman). Don't overlook the achievements of women or ask them to play the victim. They are better than that.



Four Coronavirus Stimulus Benefits Are About to Expire

The $2 trillion CARES Act–which passed during the height of coronavirus shutdowns to keep unemployed Americans afloat–is set to expire this week (or soon). These COVID relief benefits are running out of time:

  1. $600 unemployment benefit. This benefit turned out to be controversial for discouraging workers from going back to work because they earn more now with the extra benefit than they did pre-COVID. 
  2. Moratorium on evictions. Renters had been able to stay in their apartments rent-free if they lived in a home with federally backed mortgages–estimated to be about one-third of American renters–until the ban on evictions expired last Friday.
  3. Moratorium on foreclosures. Homeowners and renters living in single-family homes have until August 31 before the ban on foreclosures and evictions comes to an end, as does loan forgiveness for homeowners with FHA-insured loans. 
  4. Student loan forbearance. Federal student loan payments have been suspended through September 30, 2020.



Test Your Knowledge: Just How Expensive Is Health Care?



Paid Leave and the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has brought the debate over how to best expand access to paid leave to the forefront.

Can you identify which of the following is not true about paid leave?

A:  Unlike other states, states with paid sick leave or paid family and medical leave entitlements have successfully contained COVID-19.
B:  A paid family and medical leave entitlement would disadvantage low-income families.
C:  It is possible to help workers take paid time off when they need to without enacting a new entitlement program. 
Janice Dean on Losing Her In-Laws Due to NY Gov. Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policies


The Equal Rights Amendment Is Expired


Misguided Activist Campaign Will Lead to Future Medical Supply Shortages

Misguided activist groups want to eliminate the use of gas ethylene oxide in the sterilization of medical supplies because they say EtO emissions cause cancer. Yet the science doesn't support that assertion, and if activists succeed, public health will suffer. Already, the activist-driven efforts has already contributed to medical supply shortages during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Another Teacher Weighs in on Re-Opening Schools

There seems to be a new trend in the op-ed world: teachers who won’t go back to school. Washington state teacher Rebecca Martinson entered an emotional plea in The New York Times that she not be forced to return to teaching. Martin’s piece was mostly about her feelings, and the reader comes away with no idea of the actual risk. To be clear, every teacher has every right not to continue in a job she regards as too dangerous. Accommodations will no doubt be made, including allowing some teachers to continue online classes. Does anybody seriously think that such high-risk teachers will be forced back into classrooms?

There Are No Exceptions to the First Amendment, Even in a Pandemic

In an order that surprised even the liberals at Vox, the Supreme Court blessed a Nevada law that preferences casinos over churches. Located in Dayton, Nevada, Calvary Chapel is a small, rural church that wishes to host worship services for about 90 congregants. Nevada forbade Calvary Chapel from opening its doors in a decision that has no basis in First Amendment law. The fact that these restrictions do not apply to casinos, gyms, bowling alleys, restaurants, or bars should have made Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v. Sisolak an easy case. On Friday, in a one-sentence order that contains not a word of explanation, a sharply divided 5-4 Supreme Court denied Calvary Chapel’s application for an injunction.