![]() Over the last few days, C4L has cranked up the heat on Congress, faxing some 5,300 postcards to your U.S. Senators to stop Congress' latest CORONA-Y-ISM spending monstrosity. The good news is, it's working (so far) and the national media is awash in headlines like, "Republican senators revolt over coronavirus proposal." That's well and good, but liberty-loving Americans must continue to pour the heat on. You see, the entire Washington, D.C. "Swamp" political industrial complex is chomping at the bit to get out of town for their annual "August Recess" -- and history shows BOTH parties' congressional leadership will do everything they can to RAM this through and get out of town. So right now, they're twisting arms and delivering threats on every elected official who shows signs of wavering on their CORONA-Y-ISM scheme. We can't let even a single one buckle. To ensure that doesn't happen, I've set a goal to gather and deliver ten thousand additional postcards to your senators from more good folks by the end of this week. So, I'm counting on your IMMEDIATE action, including pitching in as generous a financial gift as you can afford, today. To stop the looters and Big Government statists, we'll send the message LOUD and CLEAR to your senators that: >>> Americans are fed up with unscrupulous politicians using every
crisis to trample our freedoms and enrich themselves and their political cronies. >>> Spending even ONE RED CENT on Orwellian track-and-trace schemes -- or any other so-called "coronavirus rescue" spending (aka CORONA-Y-ISM) -- is unforgivable! Fellow Patriot, as you know, C4L has been sounding the alarm on how the spending monstrosity House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) handed off to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) includes a $75 billion down payment on H.R. 6666-style contact tracing armies. Speaker Pelosi has made clear she's ready to exhort American taxpayers to get it: “We can open our schools and our economy with testing, tracing, treating . . . with state and local funds.” Well the fact is, the so-called "HEALS Act" Sen. McConnell unveiled this week includes TENS of BILLIONS of your tax dollars to fund the same H.R. 6666-style madness Pelosi is demanding. And of course, McConnell's $1 TRILLION spending monstrosity, includes MORE, MORE, MORE of all the CORONA-Y-ISM spending programs to enrich all the Big Government politicians and their corporate cronies and well-connected special interest pals. In fact, there's nearly $200 BILLION more for the same type of COVID-PPP "loans" both Pelosi's and McConnell’s family businesses -- along with those of countless other politicians like governors in states that ordered you under lockdown -- got in the last spending monstrosity. The same "loans" that have been used to purchase Lamborghinis, as The Washington Post recently reported. There's even $1.75 BILLION to build the FBI's new Deep State headquarters. What does that have to do with coronavirus? NOT A THING . . . it's yet another example of the Big Government crowd using a "crisis" to get goodies for themselves and their pals. All of it is an outrage. And I'm counting on your continued support to help stop it. Here's what I need you to do. . . First, sign your postcard to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and your U.S. Senators at once, if you haven't already done so. Then, please forward this message to your friends, family and business associates and ask them to sign the postcard as well. Finally, please pitch in as generous a financial contribution as you can to help me rally more patriots to stop the Big Government politicians from sending our nation off a cliff in shackles with their marriage of this Orwellian nightmare and another spending monstrosity. Fellow Patriot, creatures of the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” will take advantage of ANY CRISIS to enrich themselves and their cronies. And the only thing more alluring to them is expanding their RAW POWER and CONTROL over Americans' lives and livelihoods. So it's no surprise that's what they're trying with the coronavirus hysteria they've spun back up in recent weeks. The good news is, pressure from citizens like you is working -- the authoritarians in the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" are scrambling and looking for short-term "deals." It's vital you and I pour even more pressure on to bring their schemes to a halt. Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. The good news is the pressure good folks like you are putting on your U.S. Senators is working. But we've got to crank up it up even more to stop weak-kneed senators from buckling. I've set a goal to gather and deliver ten thousand more postcards from liberty-loving Americans like you to your senators by the end of the week to stop the Big Government politicians' CORONA-Y-ISM power grab, and I'm counting on your help. So, please sign the postcard to Sen. McConnell and your U.S. Senators and once you have, forward this message to friends, family, and business associates. And please consider pitching in a generous financial gift to help Campaign for Liberty gather and deliver ten thousand more postcards from liberty-loving Americans like you to your senators by the end of the week to stop the Big Government politicians sending our nation off a cliff in shackles with their marriage of this Orwellian nightmare and another spending monstrosity. |