We are floored by what just happened at the 2020 CESE Online Global Summit.
Dear Friend,
We just wrapped 11 straight days of the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation’s 2020 Online Global Summit and the activity and engagement have been incredible and overwhelming!
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The power and success of the Summit wasn't only due to the 21,776 attendees, 110+ countries (a tremendous example of the importance of and opportunity for ICOSE ([link removed])), 56,200 messages, 362 community Boards, 172 virtual meetups, or even the 250,000 impressions of a Summit tweet ([link removed]) after it was retweeted by actor and activist Terry Crews.
All of those things were and are incredible, but what stood out most for me was the individual connections made across cities, countries, and disciplines. We saw survivors, teachers, students, researchers, law enforcement, CEO’s, interns, donors, volunteers, and moms and dads come together to tackle these issues and forge new bonds.
The conversations, the lessons, the collaborations, and the inexorable shift towards unified action are the greatest accomplishments of these past 11 days.
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These represent powerful launching points and we know what comes next will be a wave of change that wouldn't have been possible before. The movement to end sexual exploitation continues to gain crucial momentum as leaders and allies join together to bring an end to sexual exploitation in all its forms.
We are humbled to be even one part of this mighty work.
There will be more information and opportunities for collaboration and action to come. Accordingly, we wanted to make sure you were aware of several important opportunities that are available right now. So be sure to keep scrolling in order to take part.
I am grateful to serve with you in this movement. We are grateful to serve with you in this movement.
Dawn Hawkins
Executive Director and Senior Vice President
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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Reserve Your Spot at the 2021 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit ([link removed])
Join more than 20,000 Abolitionists as we CONNECT, ENGAGE, SOLVE, AND EQUIP in order to create a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation!
Book Your Place ([link removed])
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Get 24/7/365 Access to All the Video Presentations from the 2020 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit ([link removed])
If you missed all or part of the 2020 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit, you can still enjoy the powerful content by purchasing an All-Access Pass which will allow you to replay any and all of the presentations!
Get Access Now ([link removed])
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Help Us Pass the EARN IT Act in the U.S. Senate ([link removed])
This is the only significant bill to curb online child sexual exploitation with a chance of success in 2020. Let’s get it passed by the full Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives so it becomes law by the end of the year!
Contact your U.S. Senators today! We all need to ask our elected officials to co-sponsor the EARN IT Act to get the soonest floor vote on the most powerful bill in Congress confronting online child sexual exploitation (OCSE) and ending Big Tech immunity from prosecutions related to CSAM—which is flooding the Internet.
Take Action Today ([link removed])
The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit is hosted by:
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