You are invited to join one of America’s leading rabbis—and First Things author—Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, for a sweeping exploration of the entire Hebrew Bible. In ten thirty-minute lectures, Rabbi Soloveichik will guide you through Scripture from Genesis to Jeremiah, Kings to Chronicles, Abraham to Ezra. Each episode in this live online course will be recorded. And everyone who registers will have access to any earlier lectures he or she may have missed. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!
A Journey Through the Hebrew Bible
Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik
Live Lectures Streaming Mondays at
7:30 p.m. EDT through September 7
The Hebrew Bible is the most consequential book in the history of mankind. Its heroic figures loom large in our moral, cultural, and historical self-understanding. Its moral code has shaped our sense of right and wrong from generation to generation. And its dramatic yearning for ultimate redemption fires our deepest longings. What is it about this text—this Book of Books—that makes it a work for the ages? In stories that span centuries—and which move from Israel to Egypt to Babylon, focusing on lone individuals and families to entire peoples and nations—what themes unite its diverse tales? Study the lives of patriarchs and prophets, saints and sinners, conquerors and kings, and allow the most influential people and ideas in human history to speak to us again.
We kindly suggest a donation of $100 to support Tikvah’s important educational programming on the Hebrew Bible, American ideals, Jewish thought, and Western civilization.