The Census is for EVERYBODY. That’s why we’re suing the Trump administration for its illegal, unconstitutional effort to exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted—and getting the political representation they deserve.
In 2019, when Trump tried to add the Citizenship question to the 2020 Census, we took him to court—and we won. SCOTUS ruled that Trump’s attempt to weaponize the Census to deprive Latinx and immigrant communities of political power and funding was illegal.
Now, with less than 100 days to wrap up Census responses, Trump is yet again deploying scare tactics to suppress Census participation, deny our communities the resources they deserve, and to strip all New Yorkers of representation.
We’re back in the courts to defend the Census and undocumented immigrants’ right to be counted, and we’re ready to beat Trump a second time.
The U.S. Government has a Constitutional obligation to count each person living in the United States every 10 years—and that means everyone, regardless of status. That's why we’ll keep fighting for a fair and accurate count, and keep dispelling fear and misinformation about who can be included in the Census. The pandemic has added some additional challenges to getting out the count, but we’re deploying new digital tools and tactics, along with training our partners and members and educating our communities about their constitutional right to be counted.
Too much is at stake—billions of dollars in federal funding and fair political representation—for us to stop fighting now.
Can you help us by making a donation now?
Together, we can defeat Trump and preserve New York's power. The future of all our communities depends on it.
In solidarity,

Steve Choi,
Executive Director