JULY 29, 2020
Kuttner on TAP
What If Black Lives Matter Defended Federal Buildings?
Here is an idea that comes from a 1960s hero, Barbara Garson, of whom more shortly:

Trump and his stooge, Attorney General Bill Barr, disingenuously claim that their storm troopers are in Portland (and other cities that just happen to be governed by Democrats) to protect federal property.

Suppose Black Lives Matter interposed itself between Trump’s gestapo and federal buildings. Then we’d find out who is defending the constitutional order and who is trying to overthrow it.

For those under about 65, God help me, Barbara Garson was the playwright of the Hamilton of its day, a 1967 send-up of LBJ and his family called MacBird!, modeled on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. She was in her twenties when she wrote it, and MacBird!, with its intrigue between the Johnson and Kennedy families, played for a year at the Village Gate in New York. (Trump awaits his bard—there are several mad kings from which to choose.)

Remembering David Bensman

Our friend, colleague, and Prospect contributor David Bensman has died, just short of his 71st birthday. A stalwart of the labor studies program at Rutgers, David was one of America’s great labor historians and an activist champion of working people everywhere. A much loved, gentle teacher and a noble man.

Democrats Are Running on Universal Child Care—and Winning
Progressive candidates for Congress across America are energizing voters by addressing a deep crisis for families. BY BRYCE COVERT

Will Federal Child Care Support Vanish Again?
The World War II precedent and today’s pandemic BY SONYA MICHEL

The Coronavirus Will Ruin Your Credit Score
And big banks, with an assist from Sen. Pat Toomey, want to keep it that way. BY DAVID DAYEN

The $11 Billion Question: Will Californians Raise Commercial Property Taxes?
Proposition 15 leaps feet first onto California’s ‘third rail’ of state politics—the property tax system created in 1978 by Proposition 13. BY BOBBI MURRAY

Unsanitized: The Student Loan Hustle Inside the HEALS Act
This is an example of why that bill should be made inactive. This is The COVID-19 Daily Report for July 29, 2020. BY DAVID DAYEN

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