Congress is planning to extend unemployment benefits, fund safety measures to reopen schools, and protect small businesses... but they still haven't acted to make our elections safe and secure this November.
We only have 9 days left to demand funding for no-excuse absentee voting, personal protective equipment for poll workers and secure voting equipment. It’s time to get loud. We need to unleash a deluge of phone calls on Washington.
Call your Senators TODAY to demand the next stimulus bill include critical funding for secure absentee and safe in-person voting options. This isn’t a red or blue issue, this is an American issue.

Over 90 million Americans are over age 65 or live with pre-existing conditions that could make voting in person a life-or-death issue,1 and crowded indoor polling places are a breeding ground for transmission of the deadly virus.
We need options to vote by mail or in person at properly equipped and sanitized locations, and we need Congress to fund those options.
Your senators need to hear from you. Can you take five minutes to call them right now?
Public pressure works. When thousands of constituents demand action, we show Senators what the public cares most about – protecting our lives and our rights. We’ll give you a simple script and it only takes a moment.
If we don’t make voting safe this November, we’re not just risking our own lives and the lives of our loved ones: This pandemic threatens our right to vote. But if we act now, we can protect this election and American lives.
Thank you for doing your part.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
P.S. If you can’t make a call, consider making a donation to fund voter education and constituent phone calls to Congress.
1Kaiser Family Foundation, April 23, 2020  |