Fellow Conservative,
America is at a crossroads, and this November's elections will determine if we head down the path of freedom and prosperity, or the path of socialism and lawlessness. We must not only re-elect President Trump and keep the Senate, but we must take back the House.
One of the greatest champions of freedom we have in the House is Congressman Chip Roy. Chip has repeatedly stood tall for freedom, even when only few in the Swamp would dare stand with him.
Because of his unwavering leadership, he has become a top target for Speaker Pelosi. Chip's opponent is none other than Wendy Davis...yes, the same Wendy Davis that made a name for herself as the nation's #1 champion of abortion on demand.
Tennessee and Texas are both full of grassroots patriots just like you and me. And like Tennessee came to Texas’s aid at the Alamo, I’m going all-in for Chip.
I've given the maximum donation to Chip's re-election efforts. Will you join me today and chip in $50 or $100 to get him re-elected?