Dear John, In a moment, I am going to ask you to contribute to our campaign, but first I hope you'll let me explain why it's so important. These past four years have been challenging

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

In a moment, I am going to ask you to contribute to our campaign, but first I hope you'll let me explain why it's so important.

These past four years have been challenging for us all, with President Trump endangering our democracy innumerable times and lowering our standing on the world stage. We have seen this administration gut the EPA, undercut the right to organize, attack the Affordable Care Act, and send federal troops into cities against the wishes of governors and mayors.

But over the past two years, as we've held the majority in the House of Representatives, we've seen what we can accomplish when we have enough power to stand up to the president. House Democrats have passed legislation to lower prescription drug costs, reform our democracy, and reduce gun violence.

But all of these bills -- and more -- are being blocked by the Republican leaders in the Senate. I first introduced the No Ban Act over a year ago, yet it's been sitting on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's desk this entire time. This is unacceptable.

We need to take back the Senate and get important legislation passed. But we cannot do it without holding this seat. I know we can win and keep standing up for the integrity of America.

So I'm personally asking: will you make a contribution to our campaign before our end-of-month deadline this Friday?

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The House continues to pass landmark legislation, but President Trump and Mitch McConnell have turned the Senate into a legislative graveyard, choosing instead to focus on packing the Federal Courts with extreme, right-wing judges and passing a tax plan that only benefits the wealthy.

We need to flip the Senate, so that we can pass the important legislation the American people deserve and need.

Are you ready to help us take back the Senate? Please, chip in $5 or more before our end-of-month deadline to ensure we have the resources we need to win in less than 100 days.

This is the most important race of our lifetime, and I am grateful for your support!

Thank you,


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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware