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We have a lot riding on the 2020 elections.

The Democrats have truly gone too far this time, and the only way to stop them is to take back the House. That’s why it’s crucial that we win this battleground race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District.

Chairman Hupfer is building a special donor list for supporters who are helping us win this district. Will you chip in now and add your name?


Donate $5 to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>

Donate $10 to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>

Donate $25 to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>

Donate $50 to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>

Donate $100 to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>

Donate $250 to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>

Donate what you can to WIN Indiana’s 5th! >>


We simply can’t afford another term with Nancy Pelosi in the Speaker’s Office. The Democrats know that Hoosiers are tired of politics as usual and the coastal elites trying to drag us towards socialism.

They’re going to do everything in their power to prop up my radical opponent, but we can fight back.

Donate NOW to fight back! >>

Every dollar donated helps us reach Republican voters in my district and get them to the polls. I’m working my tail off on the campaign trail, but I can’t do it alone. I need your help.

Are you in?

Victoria Spartz


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