
The Trudeau Liberals recently announced that this year’s budget deficit will reach the astronomical sum of $343 billion.

Where does the money come from?

It’s simple. The Bank of Canada is just printing it.

We’re going to pay for all this government debt one way of another.

If not with taxes, then through inflation.

Since March, central banks around the world have printed trillions of dollars, euros, yen and other currencies.

And they’ve driven interest rates down to zero.

This massive debasement of currencies is the single most destructive economic policy in the world today.

It allows governments to spend without limits; zombie companies to continue to waste resources even though they’re bankrupt.

It encourages everyone to borrow and spend even when they cannot afford it.

This week, the price of gold surpassed its all-time record high of 2011.

Investors are flocking to gold as the only real money and safe haven in this crazy world.

John, nobody in Canada is talking about this.

The whole political, financial and media establishment is just blind to this reality.

What will Canada do if paper money collapses or if inflation speeds up?

What will Canada do if gold replaces the US dollar as the world’s reserve monetary asset?

We’re the only major country that has no gold reserve at all.

We need someone in Ottawa to raise these issues.

Please support the People’s Party with a $2 donation today if you want these crucial issues to be addressed.

Many thanks,

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People's Party of Canada
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